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I'm new... Driving problems etc HELP!

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You can rev the engine until the mph limit in first gear, so i would assume that the ignition and advance plate/vacuum is ok. Sounds like fuel starvation to me.

What happens when you rev the engine without being in a gear, can you rev it up to 3000-4000 RPM or does it die then too?

well the tach is still pegged at 8k so im nervous to rev it too high but id say ive reved it to 45 or 5 and ive yet to have it die while revving it up in nutruel. however. ive had it idle and all the sudden die but start back up and idle for a long time once or twice.

Easiest possible solution on fuel starvation.

Change your fuel filter (dirt cheap)...if it runs after that, you likely have a gunked up fuel tank that needs to be cleaned out...

that would make sense because although i can blow through the filter easily, i dont have a gas cap. i cant find one big enough and havent gotten a hold of z specialties yet. i do have a plastic bag covering it but that would make sense

thanks everyone it really is a huge help.

ill try the filter first.

alrighty. timing had been adjusted. different ignition. new fuel filter. oil in the dampers. fuel pump tested for 5 to 10 seconds per carb. runs fine in nutruel. acting more sporadic than before. not just a mph thing. getting extremely discouraged.

theres got to be someone out there who has had this problem and knows exactly what it is.

I had my z idle and rev fine, but stumble and die under load. It also was not capable of going too fast during this time.

My problem was intermittent spark to various cylinders at different times, which was not noticed when looking at timing.

Checking this is quite simple, just attach the timing light to each plug wire (for maybe 30 sec) and aim the light at a dark area. It should be consistent, steady flashes on each wire.

alrighty. timing had been adjusted. different ignition. new fuel filter. oil in the dampers. fuel pump tested for 5 to 10 seconds per carb. runs fine in nutruel. acting more sporadic than before. not just a mph thing. getting extremely discouraged.

theres got to be someone out there who has had this problem and knows exactly what it is.

I still think this is related to fuel starvation, an electrical problem with the ignition would also have an impact while you just rev the engine without load, but that apparently worked.

Lets do another test to check the distributor. What happens if you unplug the vacuum tube to the distributor, does the engine still die on load (driving)?

Can you do another drive test and when the engine dies, immediately remove the plugs (e.g. don't start again) and post a photo how they look like?

Edited by alhbln
Added plug test

As per my post 18, I'd stake my reputation that your problem is fuel starvation. As you are new to Z's you probably are not aware that a common problem is crud in the fuel tank blocking the outlet pipe to some extent. No quick fixes here. It's tank out and clean it out. If you have access to an airline try blowing back into the tank (via the fuel line) and then see what effect it has on the running of the engine, but don't assume you have solved the problem if it runs ok, it's only temporary.

alright haha. someone mentioned watching the timing light while driving it to see if when it cuts out whether or not its spark related. im waiting to borrow the light, but ill definently try it.

also i thought that sense i tested the fuel pump and the fuel was clean and consistent it wouldnt be that but i should blow air through the lines LOL.

fiveleaf...what does that mean? is the problem in the distributor? how do you correct it?

thanks guys it really helps a lot to have people that will take time out of their day to help others :)

ok i unplugged the vacuum advance and drove it and it ran a little bad and still cut out. blew air into the tank via fuel line and it still cuts out. i tried to do the plug picture but the only time it actually died was on a road.... so i couldnt because i had to get off the road :) still gonna try blowing the tank again then also check the carb filters to see if its those thats the problem

ok i unplugged the vacuum advance and drove it and it ran a little bad and still cut out. blew air into the tank via fuel line and it still cuts out. i tried to do the plug picture but the only time it actually died was on a road.... so i couldnt because i had to get off the road :) still gonna try blowing the tank again then also check the carb filters to see if its those thats the problem

Checking the plugs immediately after the engine died would be good to see if its fuel related (plugs are dry) or ignition related (plugs are wet). Maybe you could repeat the test on your driveway?

oh ok yeah that makes sense. i realized btw that the reason it doesnt die is because its basically compression starting itself and thats the bucking. its dying and then restarting and then dying etc.

also only the front carb had the filter. i aligned the holes in the inlet and bolt too thinking maybe thats what was wrong but it wasnt.

Edited by 1973240

It'll really wizz you off if you find you went thru all this only to find your fuel system is clogged. Have you blown out the fuel system (hoses tank NW FUEL FILTER? hoses, float bowls etc?)

I say this cause a clogged fuel filter will allow the car to run but not under a load, depending on how clogged it. But the rest of your problems sound like timing, wiring and possibly fuel (damper oil, clogged float bowl filter, sticky piston, etc)

Feel free to stop by when yu get it running though. Email me or PM me here.



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