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Sorry, couldn't resist. Clearly things were not "complete" in that picture. As well as poking some fun, I meant to add a technical advice.

About your sputtering, if it runs fine around town under 3000, nice smooth and strong pull, then starts to fall apart above 4, start with a fuel pressure check. Put a guage in the line after the fuel pump and arrange it so you can see while driving, unless the issue is there with the car parked too. Should never get below 3 psi and never above 5-6 either. If you are sure the pressure is fine across the band, and you trust your float levels, and your fuel system is clean and trustworthy (tank, lines, filter), then look for ignition problems. The ignition appears stock from the pictures, maybe points are not adjusted right or the plugs are not happy, or a poorly fitting rotor (heard of several problems around this issue). Always start with good old NGK BP6ES gapped to FSM specs. Few things to test anyway! Good luck! Love the orange man.


...Starts sputtering a little when you get around 4500 rpms. I've got the distributer turned as far as it will go, so I need to drop the oil pump and move it another tooth, I'm hoping that is what is causing the sputter, any ideas?

No ideas, but some thoughts. If there isn't enough advance, I wouldn't expect the engine to sputter, I'd expect it to fall flat on it's face. Can you accelerate through the sputter, or is 4,500 rpm the ceiling?

Make sure that the sputter isn't really detonation. Detonation is different then pinging. Detonation is usually the result of too much advance and it is destructive.

That is the ceiling, once I hit it won't go beyond. I visited a guy a little while ago and just listening to it at idle he said that the timing needed some advance. So I'm gonna move my distributer gear one tooth when I get home and hit it with a timing light to see where I'm at.

I found the problem with the engine today, seems that when I put the head back on I got the cam off by one tooth. I corrected the problem and the car is running fantastic. Pulls hard all the way through the revs. I had a blast today. Now I just need to finish up the other little tasks.

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