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This part hit the ground when I was pulling my motor and tranny last year. The motor and tranny are going back in tomorrow and, as usual, I am scrambling to figure out where it goes.

I have already lined it up with tranny mount and that's not it.

Thanks in advance.




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I lined up the holes on the plate with the tranny mount and they don't line up. That was the first thing I checked because it hit the floor as the engine/tranny combo was tilted up on the way out.

I really should have figured out where it goes 15 months ago (when it fell out).

I have checked the FSM and Wickes book and can't find it pictured there. I am going to turn to the micro fiche next.

O.K. I just went to the garage and dug out the old motor mounts. The holes line up perfectly and it appears that that there is less grease and dirt on one of the mounts where this shim might go.

This almost makes sense because when it hit the ground it landed about in the center of the engine bay.

Is it possible that this is a shim for the motor mounts and if so, which side does it shim?

Thanks Arne. I think that I will pay close attention tomorrow as I bolt it all back in and see if I come across an area that it seems to fit. If not I will put it aside and label it as "unknown from engine removal". It is obviously a spacer or shim of some sort.

Thanks for everybodies help.


John, my HLS30-00032 has that shim under only the left side motor mount and my HLS30-00210 has the same shim, but only on the right side. I don't think either of the engines have been removed before, but couldn't swear to it. I should be able to check my other cars for you tomorrow. As I recall there was a thread regarding differences in the motor mounts some time ago. I'll see if I can find that old thread.


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