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Offset is a meaningless term unless you know wheel width and backspacing. Some of the basics:

Wheel Width

The horizontal distance between the inner tire bead mounting surfaces.


The distance from the wheel mounting surface (where the wheel contacts the hub) to the inner tire bead mounting surface.


The distance the centerline of the wheel width is offset from the wheel mounting surface. Positive is an offset to out outside and negative is an offset to the inside (or I might have that backwards).


The confusion surrounding a Z "requiring" zero offset has more to do with backspacing on wider wheels. Most Z specific wheels are made with zero offset which means a 7" wide wheel will have 3.5" of backspace.

A stock Z suspension can accomodate a wheel with 4" of backspace before things start rubbing on the spring and strut. Again, assuming you're using a 7" wide wheel that means the wheel will have 1/2" of negative offset if you can find one with 4" of backspace.

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The question you asked was answered by John Coffey just not the way your wanted it. you can run different offsets on you car with spacers. As described by John, offset has everything to do with how a wheel relates to the springs and hub within the wheel well. if you look at a Z wheel vs. a front wheel drive car (Honda for example) the offsets for the Z are zero (as explained previously by John) while a front wheel drive car may have a positive offset of 20mm - 40mm as an example. Zero offset wheels are primarily for rear wheel drive vehicles. If you were to start shopping for new wheels you would find that probably 85% or more won't work on a Z without a spacer because of the offset. If you do a search on this site about this subject I know there are several threads discussing this subject with some diagrams explaining what John Coffey explained. The fast way to get you answer is call Watanabe's and ask if their wheel will work on your Z and if modifications are required (or try your local tire store). Some tire shops won't mount wheels on spacers for safety reasons.

Is that +25 in mm's? If so, my guess is you need a spacer as it's a frontwheel drive wheel and if installed without a spacer, well it probably wouldn't even install.

The best offset for a Z is a zero offset rearwheel drive wheel. There's a whole other discussion as to whether spacers are a good solution or not. Look up some of these past discussions.

Good luck.

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Watanabes don't come for FWD as far as I know....those watanabes I found are for 240SX ... which share our 4x114.3 bolt pattern...I dont care about spacers, what size spacer would I have to run, and Johns reply was just a bunch of technobabble this was a yes or no you have to run a zero offset wheel question. Good luck finding watanabes number too...

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I apologize for the technobabble. I was trying to give you more then a yes or no answer to a question that cannot be answered yes or no. The answers to your original post are "no" and "no."

No you cannot use any offset (a meaningless term by itself but you seem to like it) with any spacer and no there's no such thing as a best "offset" for a Z because you need to know more things then just offset.

For example: A zero offset 18" wide wheel will not fit a 240Z because you're looking at 9" of backspace which will not fit but an 18" wide wheel with 14" of positive offset will fit if you flare the car. Hopefully this isn't too technical.

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Here's an email address to a place that reps Watanabe's, sales@hybridperformance.com <sales@hybridperformance.com>. Maybe this will help you answer your question(s). I'm not sure why I'm helping you with this as you seem to be unappreciative of the advice/info we are trying to pass along to you.

I dont care about spacers, what size spacer would I have to run, and Johns reply was just a bunch of technobabble this was a yes or no you have to run a zero offset wheel question.

Is this a question or a statement?

Good luck finding watanabes number too...

I actually did find a number for Watanabe's, you'll just have to look a little harder.

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One more, sorry to hear about your predicament, but its not over till you start thinking that it is. We had a family friend who was diagnosed, and told to take advantage of the next few months, because that was all he had, three years later, he's still going relatively strong.(the broken back, and crushed sternum weren't from the cancer:))

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It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings! A friend of mine has the same disease and it was tough for him at first, but its being managed well and he is back to racing cars. Again, good days and bad days but Brian is having many more good days then bad.

Hang in there and don't let it beat you.

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