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Early 72' Rear Brake Cylinders. Got 2 ?? PLEASE!!

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OK, So I can use the later model wheel cylinders as well. All I need to do is bend my bridge line (hard line) to fit into the hole in the different location.

So, is this really the only difference? My car was built in 12/71 and I'd like to use the cheaper wheel cyliders if it's possible.


The cheaper unit will need different hard lines from the top of the back plate to the cylinder, as they mount differently (one is almost straight in 90* and the early unit is at a 25*? or at least a severe angle in comparison.) Inner drum parts are interchangable ;ie adjuster, rotory wheel, piston, etc. At least to the best of my knowledge it is.

You can use the cheaper, later version but you'll need additional parts.


I Believe that is correct. It appears to mount the same, and have the same Ebrake bracket and bleeder. So as far as I can tell, the hard line nneds to either be replaced with the correct one, from a later than 6/72 Z or possibly be rebent to accomadate the new cylinder.

If I had a later unit, I would be possitive in my info. But just looking tells me it's possible.


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