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Seems I've got an ant colony nesting in the body of the Z32, somewhere. About a month ago, I parked it on the grass under a cover for 2 days and the ants must have started it then. Now I see ants running trails along the cowl, roof molding, fender, door sills, engine bay peritmeter, etc. Its only on the body right now, but I imagine they'll find their way into the interior soon enough.

What's safe to use w/o damaging the paint? Looking for some tried and true suggestions.

My thoughts so far:

1. Bait traps? Take too long

2. Neem oil? I may try this if I can find out if a capful or two in a carwash solution would kill them.

2. Simple Green? I read online that this would kill ants. At full strength will this damage the paint?

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If you use "Raid" or a similar product, be sure to spray some down any pathways to the interior like the rear quarter air vents and any openings in the engine compartment firewall.

Just leaving it uncovered in the sun with the hood open will make the Z less attractive to the ants than when it's under a dark cover. Unless, of course, they're flesh eating African ants :D


Well, if my memory serves me correct.... Homer Simpson got rid of ants in the space shuttle by exposing the interior to the vacuum of space, thereby sucking all the ants out. So.... if you pressurize your car, take it into space or some other complete vacuum, then just open the window and WHOOOSH!! out go the ants. Problem solved. ;)


Just leaving it uncovered in the sun with the hood open will make the Z less attractive to the ants than when it's under a dark cover. Unless, of course, they're flesh eating African ants


I did just that this morning, right now in high 87 degree heat I see none. Previous to that I sprayed down the areas I saw them at with the water hose. We'll see if they are still there when the temp and sun go down. So, RAID won't harm the paint finish?

How about a simple car wash? Or if the car isn't driving yet, a hose and a bucket of suds. You don't need to get all fancy and such.

The ants don't cruise the neighborhood and pick where they nest, it was the queen ant that landed on your car and found enough detritus to make a nest in and a few days later... voila! Ant Nest!

Wash the car, use the high pressure setting on your sprayer, shoot into the crevices, the cowl, the underside etc. and that should hopefully get them or the bulk of the nest. If this is something that worries you about doing.... then you may have bigger problems than an ant nest.



I'll take E's statement one further and say they more than likely found food in the car, not just nesting material. You must have forgotten about that extra large chocolate milkshake you spilled down the sides of the center console. Ok, maybe it's something like half an Oreo but I know the one time I had ants in a car it was from something that spilled. In some way you need to give the little guys credit for helping clean the inside of your car.

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