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Spent the last 7 months preparing my 500Z for paint and finally got it done. Through a big set back painted it Bronze metallic. painted it candy apple red with gold pearl but i didnt like the way the pearl looked i sanded it down and picked this bronze color.





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I am nneither II, III or IV, we all (12 generations) have different middle names I am William D, my son William /c and the William E is my dad. Yes the 500Z is a 5,0 ford motor. Will be buffing it all out after i make all the interior panels and do the interior. i have the plastic panels for the rear section but having to make all the leather pieces, plastic front pieces and make a fiberglass dash and console. That all comes after i get the BMW heater modified to make it fit and work.

That Gold Flake look on the hood is Great! Is that paint or gold foil? Awesome job. Can't wait to see the finished product.

Well it isnt flake at all it is black acrylic enamel with gold marbleizing, just paint your black, let it dry, spray bomb gold over that spray lightly with mineral spirits and take some plastic and dab it here and the to get the look you want, try it with spray bombs sometime, just be sure the black is completely dry or the gold and miineral spirits will make the black wrinkle up, which isnt a bad look either....i love the look.

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