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IS there an easy way to check for fuel? Basically I have an hour lunch break and the haynes ,manual shows all these things to take apart all these things that will take longer then a lunch break.

Edit- I've already changed the fuel filter and after the engine was turned over I saw that fuel had already made it into the filter.

Edited by Perfect240Z

IS there an easy way to check for fuel? Basically I have an hour lunch break and the haynes ,manual shows all these things to take apart all these things that will take longer then a lunch break.

Edit- I've already changed the fuel filter and after the engine was turned over I saw that fuel had already made it into the filter.

there's a float drain on the front bottom of the float, it's a bolt with a copper or brass washer pull this off and drain then crank check if at any time you don't get gas stop you don't have fuel in the carbs. Next if no gas to carbs I'd hook up a pressure meter to the carbs if you don't have one disconnect the hose place it in a cup and see if you gas when you crank it. Before it get to confusing send a message after you do this with the results

So I emptied out the floats in Dixie cups I'll post pics soon to show how much gas was in it. But when I went to check for spark during the start up i wasnt getting any spark. So that leads me to believe the new pertronix I installed I did it wrong or there's something wrong with the coil. I'll post my pics soon, I'm a little disappointed because I thought I'd have spark....

I thought you had spark also, why don't you reinstall the points since you had spark with that. When I picked up my last Z it had a pertronix set in it. It was having problems and was not working right. I don't care about their system replacing points and maintaining them isn't that hard, that is something that I don't ever plan to put on my car.

I don't think it is a bad product and when it is working it would be nice, but I'd play with it after the car is running right, not when your trying to get her to run.

I don't need pictures of the fuel but you had some in the floats. Did you check after you drained the first time and tried to start it again? If so you are more than likely getting fuel.

I thought you had spark also, why don't you reinstall the points since you had spark with that. When I picked up my last Z it had a pertronix set in it. It was having problems and was not working right. I don't care about their system replacing points and maintaining them isn't that hard, that is something that I don't ever plan to put on my car.

I don't think it is a bad product and when it is working it would be nice, but I'd play with it after the car is running right, not when your trying to get her to run.

I don't need pictures of the fuel but you had some in the floats. Did you check after you drained the first time and tried to start it again? If so you are more than likely getting fuel.

Ya! I think its from me installing the Pertronix that it doesn't even spark now. I don't know if it was a weak spark before I changed it over and now im freaking missing a piece. But thats not what is weird to me, I looked at everyones breaker style distributor and the one in the haynes manual and they don't match up, these are the pics that I wanted to uploadpost-23144-14150813202995_thumb.jpg


The one with that weird plastic flower looking on is mine and looks nothing like the book version, I stole this pic from another thread and its a stock distributor. the other pic I wanted to show was the pic of the coil. The little condenser's wire is busted and Im wondering if this will affect the spark at all. Im fixing it now.


Good news the reason you look different is someone all ready converted this car away from points, you don't need to covert anymore.

No spark and funny looking wirering around coil???? Could you go thought and clean the connections one of the wires next to the resistor looked a little dark, and tighten them up. While your at it get the red wire off the coil wire, that isn't a smart thing to do it can mess with radio reception and has the potential of arching.

Next you should get an electric tester of some type. The ones with a bulb in a awl will do. Ground the tool and turn the car to the on position, then check for current at the coil, and from the coil. If you get no light follow the wire till you do and let us know

That red wire is from the pertronix I just put in. Damn I didn't know it was already converted.....I'll have to find that black piece now and change it back. I'll clean those up, I'm going to do some sawdering(if that's how you spell that). Tonight when my friend teaches me so that will fix the broken condenser wire. I used a voltage meter to test the coil I tested while cranking to the two little screws on the right and left of the large rubber plug going to the coil and it said it was 5.6 but I was told that I'm not supposed to test it on those screws and it's supposed to be tested at another spot for the coil?

You should get a reading from the wire connected to the bolts and from the coil without cranking the engine just in the on position. I want to know if you are getting power or not to the coil first.

Learning to fix wires is a paint, but if you take your time you can figure it out. It is like moving into a new city you need time to learn how traffic moves and where things are if you look at electrical that way it would tick you off as much.

is it supposed to be 12v when I test it? Thats what it says in the book, I have my factory manual showing up any day now(On disc). Well see what happens, rain has started again today but it looks like it'll be stopped by thursday when Im off, so i'll probably make a full day of trying to get her going.

Next time at the auto part store pick up some stuff called dielectric grease you put it on the connection to keep that from happening again. It's real good for the ends of spark plugs, it keeps water out and the boots from sticking.

Do you have power to the coil now?

Will check today. Chance of heavy rain, if it's clear firmly lunch I'll be converting the pertronix back the already converted distributor and then try her again. At the same time I'm going to see what other connections are oxidized and try to clean it up a bit. I have a dremal and I'm going to buy a wire brush at some point on my day off. Here's hopin there's no rain or my lunch!

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