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...because I saw two 350 Zs within a mile of each other!

Who would believe one 350, let alone two in Florissant Missouri. The first was the cinnamon color (Nissan calls it Le Mans Sunset) driving North on Hwy 67 and then about an hour later a black (Nissan calls this Super Black) one pulling out of the parking lot and zooming up the same stretch of road.

My wife didn't much care for it but I thought the black one looked pretty hot!

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I have have been told that 350z is going to be actually lauched in Finland in the fall 2003!! That sucks!! Well the market here is a bit smaller!!

But it is sadistic that I have to wait until fall!!! Even if I am more into s30... Anyway it is going to be massive to cruise to the nissandealer to see 350z in my 260z!! I will probably be the only one to show up in s30. There are only couple of these here in Joensuu/NorthKarelia.

Let them drive those cars whenever, whereever they want, I don't see them lasting more than 2-3 years on the production line. Nor do I see them ever becoming worth anything...... so let them drive them in the snow and salt so they can rust away and I wont have to look at them again.


venting so early in the morning..... it isn't a good thing.

I saw in a magazine today a wrecked 350Z. It was the lemans sunset colour.

Aussie magazine (called speed i think. New mag, 4th edition. december. has a blue cover with a silvia-180sx and a wrx on the cover. page 11 if anyone wants a look).

page 10 has a picture of a 350Z with a body kit. Mutton dressed up as lamb.

I still think they are ugly. Nissan could have done better.

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