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1970 240z, Please help me! thank you

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I just came across a 1970 240z that a friend of mine have for sale, even though it has a pretty low vin # 6235. There are lots of rust under the doglegs (both sides), doors, near the gas door, rear hatch, battery tray. He's asking for $1700 for the car. I was thinking is this too much $ for the car in current condition? Please give me some advice, I would greatly appreciate thanks.

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That's not so low of a Vin to make the car worth much more than any other 70' and the rust implies a Lot of work and money on your part. I wouldn't touch it for more than $800. Just because it's a lot of work.

Your info says U.S but we would need specifics. Where you and the car are, can greatly determine Vehicle damage and cost. An east coast car with the rust you explained can easily have a lot more damage than you actually see.


I would say $800 is high for a rust ranger such as described. Go at him like this. This is how I attack a seller when looking at an older, unrestored car.

STEP ONE, determine if he needs money or just wants out of the headach.

- If he needs cash, and is a good friend, wish him luck and walk away.

- If he needs cash, and is only a buddy, pull out $500 in ten's and make an offer. If he bites buy it. You can always get that money back, even on a basket case. If he doesn't go for it, tell him its a standing offer and when he is done getting beat up on price by straingers and having his time and money waisted advertising and showing the car to the public, you will come get it. Make sure you are standing in front of the car while having this conversation, pick a really bad area of rust and "pick at it" with a concerned look on your face while you are talking. He WILL get discouraged, and make a counter offer.

I've bought more than a few cars using this method and I've found that if I do make it out of the driveway without the car, the phone rings within a week. The last being my current 240Z, which I got for $750, and all it needed was carbs and paint, along with some TLC.

STEP TWO; If he is a friend and has some love for the car, go with the $500 offer and assure him that you will do right by the car and he will be able to watch the progress as it is brought back from the brink. When he tries to get the price up, stand firm (picking at the rust) and remind him that you are going to be spending your daughters "beauty school" tuition to undo the years of neglect the car suffered in his hands, and leave him with the standing offer.

Either way you win. You buy the car right, or you avoid the money pit.

thank you so much for the advice, i live in Milpitas, California. i was thinking if rust spot like that i can get fenders and doors from other Z cars from 70-77? i've double check the only rust problem is the exterior panels, no frame damage, it does have factory A/C, E31 cylinder head, everything is original including the spare tire hahaha. With this all been said do you guys still think the car worth it? thanks

If it's been a Cali Car for most of it's life, and the rust is located mostly on the outside, and panels are readily available, then $800 is more than a fair price. Cause you'll spend the $900 difference in parts, body work and paint without battin an eyelash.

Then there's the Suspension? Tires? Brakes? Electrical? Cooling and heating? Etc, Etc.

So like 5thhorsemann said, "Why is he selling?" Money or tired of it? Offer $500 but only go as high as $800 firm. Stick to your guns and don't give in to whining, cause you'll be the one crying when you drop serious Cash to get her decently Safe and Road worthy.

So decide what you wanna spend and remember, it's not the only California Z car for sale. Just cause he is a friend doesn't mean you Have to buy from him.


wow the rust doesnt look too too bad.. but for the price is kinda steepi would go witht eh 5000 dollar rule... then minus what these parts will cost to fix, change, paint.. etc.. from there u can estimate how much the total project will be worth.. at times u will go over but making a budget and planning wil give you a good idea on how much this investment will be.. from there u can estimate how much u are willing to spend on car itself

And now that I see the pics, I stand by my $500 to $800 quote.

Looks like every panel needs to be stripped and treated for rust, filled, cut welded, primed painted, etc, etc. Replacement panels and patch panels are available, sheet metal is cheap but you gotta cut out the rust, cut the patch and weld it in, etc.

$800, tops.


That's a parts car.

There is WAY too much rust damage in just the pictures you've posted for a "California" car and way more than you think just hiding behind the metal waiting for you to uncover it.

$400 TOPS, and that's considering the Valve Cover, the Series I steering wheel and other items that might be salvageable.

As far as the rest:

Rust on the hatch ledge both sides.

Battery area rust THROUGH

Both bumpers bent and tweaked.

One Headlight Scoop obviously broken

Front Spoiler also possibly damaged

Passenger door showing extensive rust out from inside

Rocker panel dog leg showing rust blisters

Passenger side front fender showing rust through

and lastly, but by no means least... that rust above the windshield. That one is probably the most indicative of the poor care this car has received.

I'd pass on it, except for parts.

Well if you had another car it would be a good parts hog. But if you don't have another car but lots of time and some money it can be restored. Project 3/72 looks about as bad as that but I have lots of time......willing, and I hope to keep working. My wife ows me a birthday present or two also I believe. Parts for a project car always lets friends and others know what to get you for special ocassions. Good Luck.

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