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How Black Is Black?.................

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You guys need to make friends with a paint shop. You will get better results than a spray can. If you prep the part the way they like you will be able to do it on the cheap. I always bring removable parts in (don't bring the car that adds cost). Last time I did this for my Z was a grill they charged $40 cash. I had no runs, and a great original (slightly better) like finish. The wheel covers will take a bit more to prep, but you would need to do all that work if you did it.

Whatever color they are, one thing is for sure: It's on a Z so it deserves to be painted with REAL paint and not some cheap Krylon spray can...
You guys need to make friends with a paint shop. You will get better results than a spray can. If you prep the part the way they like you will be able to do it on the cheap. I always bring removable parts in (don't bring the car that adds cost). Last time I did this for my Z was a grill they charged $40 cash. I had no runs, and a great original (slightly better) like finish. The wheel covers will take a bit more to prep, but you would need to do all that work if you did it.

It sounds like neither of you have tried either of the paints I mentioned, so how would you be able to advise on how the finish looks? Many people on this site have used one or both on some pretty nice cars. Do a search and you will find that out. The CDM paint was mixed from NOS parts and has the same texture that the original paint did. Here are some pictures of the rear panel I painted on one of my cars. It may not meet either of your high standards, but it works good for me.

Polecat, if that paint is not good enough for you, there is also a formula for this color paint given in the Wick Humble book "How to restore your Z car" or maybe one of these two experts can chime in on what they have used.





Ya I know my self with a rattle-can and I do better with a gun however I don't have access to a large compressor anymore. Starting on page 174 of the How to Resore Your Datsun Z-car you will find a mix code for paint not around anymore. I'd bring this in to the paint shop when getting it repainted, they can mix to match.

By the way Mike B your lady's rear-end looks good ;)

I used the Dupli-color paint on my tail light panels, grill & wheels. It's a higher quality urethane paint in a spray can. I used properly, you can achieve some very nice results.

(I'd post a pic, but my computer has a problem & and I'm using my wife's computer).

I have used Mike B's referenced fizzle can paint, mostly for cost, convenience, I needed it then and lots of it. The first sample wheel cover looked to shiny compared to the original tail finisher, side by side, so it was toned down with a coat of light matt finish. The grille, tail finishers, 4 wheels and 5 wheel covers were done, including the matt finish.

If you are doing the wheel covers you will have plenty of taping to do. LOL I've done it twice! :stupid: Use the finest thinest masking tape available. The first was regular masking tape, pulled up in places. Blue Scotch plastic tape second time around, much better results. One roll is enough.

They are not exactally how they left the factory, shows a little more chrome, not as dark looking. Makes the scollops pop. The red reflectors had turned orange and pink, replacements were NLA. Solution was dark blue 'Testors' in a bottle. :love:

Bonzi Lon



By the way Mike B your lady's rear-end looks good ;)

Indeed, it does look great!

Mike, sorry about my scepticism, I had never heard of the paint you mentioned but in the pictures you and Bonzi showed, it does look very clean! If I can find someone who sells this paint here in Canada, I might give it a try.

Thanks for the link.

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