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Unfortunately, Jeff, I have left a few breadcrumbs over at Zcar.com that might lead some people over here. LOL

By the way, John, don't be afraid to contribute to Classiczcars.com. I'm about due to kick in some more money. Mike has worked hard and has put plenty of his own money toward building this site. We all benefit through the exchange of knowledge.

Lots of crumbs are being left for lots of potential locations:


Interesting that the folks looking for a new home are mostly earlier Z owners.

I think the site will become more of a 350/370 site shortly.

Watch out my350zdoycom.

While John hasn't been here much, he has done quite a job stirring up the hornet's nest over at Zcar.com. LOL I was hoping he would make his presence felt here. Maybe Blue will make the jump, too.

John - Encourage him to come over here. He has too much information to go to waste. :)

And, of course, I was talking about the infamous Tony D. There is nothing like seeing him taking someone to school, even if that someone is me. He gives out a lot of great information to those willing to listen.

You would think I was Lucifer raping virgin babies by the way I'm treated there.

Not that Lucifer would be judged harshly for doing such things there... as long as he didn't tell anybody to search or point out that their own words made them look stupid, not my pointing out their error...

I lurk, mainly because I'm running around so much. There's only so much time in the day to play, and I don't have a lot. Less now.

I called the 'change' there long ago when I noticed the grooming going on with the clientelle. Sad, but I called it a while back. It became obvious what the goal was.

I hope this place stays true. If donations are required, please contact me. Self-Funding a small group of dedicated enthusiasts devoted to real information exchange and growth is far more important than commercial gain in this arena.


Tony D in Manila.

You would think I was Lucifer raping virgin babies by the way I'm treated there.

Versus what? Raping non-virgin babies? :finger:

You called it the owners denied it and now it's a cash machine destined for the pump 'n dump program.

From my perspective this offers up a better environment with options that could have prevented the 'problems' over there.

BUT, I still like to watch train wrecks.


Looking forward to your contributions!

Do you still want to keep your "Emperor" Title?

Dave Ruiz


Just talked to Tony in Manila at the airport. He's on his way to Beijing and down to Shanghai.

I'm sure we will read more from him here in the future.

I'm in :)

Been here since Jan 2005 LOL!

If you all can put up with my occasional tantrums then I'll be happy.... you have the right to kick me in th @$$ when we inevitably meet.

btw with respect to Zcar.com, I wish I could download the core database from Zcar.com.... There is so much good data there that I would love to mine and refine.

As per one of my recent posts there, I believe I own my content so I would like to gather it and put in a useful place... likewise I would love to do the same with Tony's.... any database miners here who could help?

Edited by Blue
more content... slow brain

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