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LHD 240Z in 1969 TOKYO auto show

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How widely Datsun was used in Japan? Or was the cars only Nissans? Did they start to use Nissan earlier in Japan?

I just read this article that says Following. "

Nissan was earlier known as Datsun in Finland as well as many other markets. Datsun as a brand/ car make was ended in 1983. After that manufactured have been Nissans

Datson was renamed as Datsun because Son in Japanese means loosing/defeat? And because with sun ending they could use rising sun in logo? Datsun manufacturing started in 1932. The manufacturer company was renamed again in 1933. This time the name to be was Nissan motor company. Car brand was remained as Datsun for next 51 years."

This was my own transalation of text below. I think it is quite accurate. If someone can do it better, please don't hesitate.=) I dont say that I could agree with this text. I translated and posted it here to share the thoughts of one of the biggest carmagazine in Finland? So do they have accurate and reliable source for their information?

Nissan tunnettiin aikaisemmin Suomessa, kuten monilla muillakin markkinoilla Datsun-merkkisenä autona. Datsun merkkinä lopetettiin v. 1983, mistä alkaen kaikki valmistetut autot ovat olleet Nissaneita.

Dat-merkki muutettiin Datsuniksi kahdesta syytä. Son-loppu merkitsee japaninkielessä tappiota. Uuden nimen ansiosta logomerkkiin oli mahdollista liittää nouseva aurinko. Datsun-tuotanto käynnistyi 1932. Valmistajayhtiön nimi muutettiin jälleen 1933, nyt Nissan Motor Companyksi. Automerkki kuitenkin säilyi Datsunina vielä 51 vuotta eteenpäin.

Some people here ask that why is it so that many parts in 70's Datsun are badged/marked NISSAN?

Hey 260Z - I'm not going to challenge your translation but I seriously doubt that Son was changed to Sun in order to use the 'rising sun' image.

Alan could perhaps confirm this but that image was the facist emblem of the military controlled government at the time and could be compared with the German swastika !

The image was supposed to reflect the Japans nations' blossoming new empire - a new dawn !

Incidentally, I like the threads I have read recently speculating that Nissan would use the Datsun name for their competition dept/sportscars.

Hi Rolf

Yes it is worrying that the only vehicle to still carry the Datsun name is a pick-up ! Still in Thailand last year I saw a Nissan badged coach which was in a sad state so maybe nothing to lose - the Nissan name is fairly boring now unless you only look at Skylines and the 350Z which we don't see at all here in France !

I got the fender protectors - thanks. Haven't yet got the car to fit 'em onto - that's coming in July !

Originally posted by Mr Camouflage

Everyone knows Datsun is Nissan.

Not at all! You'd be surprised how many younger people don't know that...

I guess most of you are talking from an older person's perspective. I think maybe it would be a good thing to introduce a new perspective on this - one from a 18 year old ;)

Datsun here for younger people is either an old company which made crappy ecoboxes (jap-crap, anyone?) or a little-known japanese company producing amazing cars which changed the world. The ones with the 2nd opinion own Datsuns.

It's a pity that when someone asks what my car is I just say "240Z" without the Datsun, for fear of them snickering.

Many people I have talked to about Datsun/Nissan didn't realise they were the same company. I guess most people I talk to weren't around to see the name change.

Hey Ya'll,

my understanding of how nissan came to be goes like...

1913ish... Three guys made a car D.A.T. first letter of each of their surnames.

sometime there after they made the 2nd car. DATSUN "son of DAT"

1937ish... A textile company called NISSAN bought the DATSUN company.

Late 1950's NISSAN sends Mr. K. to the U.S. to study U.S. market and later head up the introduction of NISSAN in the states. The cars were given the old name of DATSUN so that if they should fail miserably it would not bring shame on the NISSAN name. BUT.. this has always left me the question wouldn't people notice that the valve covers said NISSAN?

More on the "SUN" vs. "SON' but not car related.

I've heard from multiple sources that SONY was supposed to be pronounced "sunny" but us dumb Americans started calling it "so-ne" So the company took on the "so-ne" as the pronunciation.---Don't know if it's true, but I always thought it was neat!

Also, if anyone has any info that can discard any of beliefs as false please inform me...Thanks:cheeky:


Careful Alfadog

I'm 38 and I am aware that younger people and most think that Datsun sold 'jap-crap' but Austin and Fiat did the same, used the mass produced parts to subsidise the sportscar development and they all rusted like ours.

The difference was that Datsun developed a modern car, fully equiped al followed it up with a planned, supported and very successful race program where it counted - the biggest car market in the world - the USA.

And the name change wasn't announced very loudly !

I always take pleasure in saying I have an old Datsun - I don't even say 240Z and just pull out a photo when they start sassing me !

Hey Coastie, do you remember the Colt Stallion - oh the Japanese with their 'R's and 'L' s !

Yeah, I love the whole "R" and "L" thing. Everytime I read it out loud I just start laughing my arse off! But I highly commend Katz on his skills 'cause Japanese is a hell of a lot harder to write on an English keyboard.

Colt Stallion? Can't say I do. France is a wee (oui:D ) bit different than the states though. We had the Dodge colt, which was a re-badged Mitsubishi Mirage and the closest we get to Stallions are Ford Mustangs. Is Colt the manufacturer? Do you have any Pics?

Hey! Take it easy on the pick-ups! Still Nissan here in the states. I own an 03' Nissan Frontier 4x4. Will make a great vehicle to tow my future Z home with. Also a great parts getter. Plus my first Datsun/Nissan was a 72 1/2 Datsun 620 pick-up.

Take it easy,


No no no guys !

Colt was to Mitsubishi what Datsun was to Nissan !

The Colt Starion alledgedly got its name from an executive who mispelt what he had mishread ! Stallion / Starion !

And if you want piccies, you'll have to look at the JAE website (somewhere) - http://www.japcarclub.com/jae/forums/

Heeer u go....

Are you talking about this MAzda rx7 looking car? Dull



I dont believe that colt is same to mitsubishi as Datsun is to nissan.... Colt has been one of their model since 60's

Funniest damn Colt!! 1400 Turbo!!



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