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Replace floor jute with what?

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I bought mine at the Paint Store. Now granted, this one has both Automotive and House paint as well as all the different types of body working materials you want.

I would check for a automotive paint supply house, ask them if they have products by Evercoat. (They also produce Plastic Body Filler (aka Bondo except BONDO is a trademark name). Then ask specifically for the Q-Pads and describe them as tar paper pads.

As far as being the "original" stuff, well, it's as close as I could find. Granted Datsun used a single sheet / cutout for each of the floor pans and hatch area, and you'll have to piece it together, but I'm happy with it. I also applied it OVER the POR so I won't be making the same mistake that Datsun did by applying it over plain galvanized metal.

I don't recall who or where I got the information about Dynamat having some fiber inside. Like I said, I've not used their product and therefore can't really comment on it.

I went mainly for ease of purchasing it, and price.


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