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Replicating the butyl sound dampaning mats

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I trying to referbish my 4/71 240Z as close to original, including rubber bushings and proper plating of fasteners. . . The sound dampening mats on the drivers and passenger floor boards are cracks and are starting to come up and will need replacement material. I found the product at JC Whitney, however they tried to send it to me 9 times without getting one that was damaged, poor packaging that the would say they try something new and it would just come damage, it was a big waist of time. Same with Summit they told me a product was the butyl material when I got it it wasn't they charged me a restocking fee (was not happy since it was theirs staff that miss lead me).

This has left me with no choices to replicate the sound material, I don't want the aluminum coated. I plan to paint it just like it was done new, it lasted this long it will last another 40 years, and the aluminum backed stuff don't like paint. I've tried many (lost count how many) audio stores in NJ they don't carry it. Any ideas or places to find the material?

I love the squares for many applications, however that isn't what I'm looking for to keep it close to original. What I need for minimal measurements is 2 20"x30" pieces. If I decide to replace it all I'll need 1 24"x30" (would be enough scrap to make the two small pieces in the rear), and 2 14"x20" also.

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