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Guys, I have finished painting my 1978 280z, i'm in the process of putting everything back together. I have fixed several lights that didn't turn on before like the center light, cigarete lighter light and gauges lights. some fixes were simple enough to just change the light bulbs and others I had to clean the connectors. My question is should the hazard light (the light inside the car where the hazard switch is) be on when you turn your head lights on, or should the light only light up when you turn the hazard lights on? Every thing seems be working fine, my turn signals, hazard lights and my headlights, I just want to get this clear before I put everything back together. The bulb was burnt so I replaced it but when I turn the hazard lights the bulb (the one inside where the hazard switch is) doesn't turn on, it barely turns on when I turn my headlights on but you can hardly tell that the bulb is on. Thanks guys

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So when you turn your headlights the indicator light is on and not when the hazards are turned on. If this is the case, I can get the light to turn on when I ground the ground cable comming from the light bulb but when I do this it turns my light gauges off. Just trying to figure it out. Thanks for the reply.

My indicator light has a plug from the harness with two wires going to the socket. It is held in a plastic holder and does not go to ground. The ground is one of those two wires coming from the wiring harness. Disconnect yours at the plug and see if you can get your test light to work correctly. If it works correctly at the harness, it's your switch / socket.

Yes, my indicator is the same as yours, but I have noticed that other lights like the center light or map light the light wouldn't light up until I grounded the side that was suppoused to be grounded, once I grounded the cable the light worked perfect with no issues just wonduring if it was the same, wich seems to be the same but I didn't know if the indicator was suppoused to turn on when the hazard switch was turn on? Thanks for your help

I have grounded the engined campartment, the alternator, and checked every where I can and where ever I saw a ground I would either changed it out with new cable or cleaned the connections, I also replaced the fuse block in the engine, that itself solved many issues like head lights not turning on. I have to check the main harness that runs inside and do the same that I did with the engine campartment. Thanks.

Well guys finally I have figured out what was my issue, posting so if someone else is reading and having same problems they can use this as help. I went and checked and cleaned every connection that I could inside the car, nothing really changed until I disconneted the rheostat ( the illumination adjuster for the gauges) from the back and reconnected it again, that solved my issue after hours of trying to get the light for the hazard switch to turn on. Hope this helps some one. Thanks

My 78 didn't have the light for the Hazard switch, and I couldn't even find any evidence that there ever was one.I was considering putting one in, as the hazard switch is a fairly important item, IMO. I would just need a lamp socket and the metal holder. Can You getthose little metal plates, or should I have to make one? No spares in the spares box.

Are you talking about the hazard swithc or the light itself. I was having issues with the light not turnig on. It should have a seat belt light and a hazard light that lights up when you turn the car light on, and not when you turn the hazards on. If you follow the seat belt light you should be able to find the hazard light. Good luck

I was referring to the lamp inside the hazard switch. There wasn't any consistency between the few wiring diagrams I have. One shows the lamp wired to the hazard switch connector, and another one has no lamp. The FSM shows the lamp wired to the connector. See the attachment.


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