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Block plug for the oil gallery (rear), installation tips please

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Here is a question about an item not many will have experience with. Experienced engine builders please chime in!

At the back of the block, the end of the drilled oil gallery has a plug inserted. Usually.

The block I'm assembly at the moment came from the machine shop stripped, even this plug is removed. Good news, they supplied the replacement. Its a small round 3/8" dia. plug about 1/2 in long, with a 45 deg'ish chamfer on the end, over the last 1/8" or so. Clearly it just goes back in the hole.

My question relates to how best to install that plug to ensure a decent seal. I'm pretty sure the chamfered end goes in first, but, then what? I know, I know, just pound it in until it stops moving and stop worrying. That's not me...

The only reference I've found to it is in the "how to modify your Z engine" book, where they recommend tapping that bore and placing a pipe plug in there. That's easy enough to do, but I see no issue with just using the stock plug on this engine. It ain't mine!

Other than cleanliness of hole and plug and all that, is there a proceedure any of you have used with known success to ensure this plug is oil tight? Its just never been something I've had to deal with in the past. It dumps right into the flywheel/clutch area so I'm gun shy.



Edited by zKars

If you drill and thread you will have to be careful to get all of the metal shavings. If I were planning thread and plug I would take it back to the shop have them prep it and flush out the block before install. jlp

Or simply clean surfaces apply a quality sealer from locktite and drive into place.

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