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I need some advice. I have found a number of posts that say you can bolt the 72 bumper mounting brackets on the 73. I now have a mint 72 front bumper and clean 72 mounting brackets. The posts say the threaded holes are on the 73 for the 72 mounts. I removed the 73 bumper mounts and do not see the mounting holes for the 72 brackets. There seam to be some sheet metal plates (welded on) that that guide the 73 mounts. Do i have to pull them off the exposes the threaded holes for the 72 mounting brackets?




Edited by philbar73
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The '73's mount in a completely different place from the '72's. You know where the '73's mount since you took them off. The '72's mount on the same general piece as the hood hinges, which is a pretty thin piece of metal. The '73 bumper supports are way beefier than earlier ones. I know that nobody wants extra weight on the car, but I can tell you from personal experience that it's worth having the heavier mounts to strengthen the front bumper.

If you do choose to go the '72 route, you may find the holes just under the hood hinge points (my car is not at home so I can't verify right now).

I need some advice. I have found a number of posts that say you can bolt the 72 bumper mounting brackets on the 73. I now have a mint 72 front bumper and clean 72 mounting brackets. The posts say the threaded holes are on the 73 for the 72 mounts. I removed the 73 bumper mounts and do not see the mounting holes for the 72 brackets. There seam to be some sheet metal plates (welded on) that that guide the 73 mounts. Do i have to pull them off the exposes the threaded holes for the 72 mounting brackets?

I have a 1972, not a 1973. With that in mind:

1) The brackets sure look like mine.

2) If I'm interpreting your pictures correctly, the 1972 brackets mount to the body five to six inches higher than on the 1973s. If you follow the curved metal (left most photo) up on a 1972 it connects to a spar with an egg-shape at the front of the car. The front bracket mounting hole is about two inches below the front-most hood hinge bolt and pretty close to halfway back between the front-most and back-most hood hinge bolts. The rear bracket hole is, well, further back.

3) There really aren't threads in the sheet metal per se for the bolts, but a nut welded over the hole on the outside (tire-side) of the spar for the bolt. Since one of mine fell off, it wouldn't be a great surprise to find a pair of holes matching up to the bumper bracket but no threads for a bolt. It's not _that_ painful to use a lock washer and nut to secure the bumper bracket bolt. ;)


Thanks everyone. I see the mounting points now. There are two big old nuts it just the right places to mount the brackets on each side. I should have realized they would be up higher. The 73 mounts curve up from a lower mounting point on the car not in line with the bumper. The 72 mounts are straight in. I agree the 73 bumper is mounted much better and stronger, but I do not have a good 73 bumper and I do have a perfect 72 bumper. Thanks again, this site has been great. Maybe I can figure out how to use the 73 mounts at a future time. I can use the 72 for now and I have a clean bumper, very cool. Thank you all very much........

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