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How do you adjust the height of the clutch pedal?

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I'm looking to adjust the height of my clutch pedal as it's sitting too low. FSM shows that it should be over 8 inches from the floor/firewall but it's only about 6 inches. I can't seem to get the pedal any higher than it currently is even though there is plenty of room between the pedal arm and the bump stop at the top. Does anyone know how to adjust the height of it?

The lock nut on the push rod is on the opposite side of the pedal which is not holding the pedal from going the other way.

Wow that sentence makes no sense. Gotta find a diagram.

Loosen locknut, turn rod with pliers, make rod longer. Two inches is a lot of adjustment though, you might have something else wrong.


Was the drop sudden, always like that or gradually dropped?

Has the engagement point changed? Grinding going into gears?

If distance always the same, probably just mis-adjusted from the beginning and an adjustment will take care of it.

If sudden or gradual, I'd be looking at the master/slave for problems or leaks.

I've only owned the car for a short while and the shifting has never been great. Mostly just trying to get into reverse or from reverse into first. If the car is turned off, the gear changes are no problem.

Care to elaborate? It sounds like there is more going on than the height of the clutch pedal.

Loosen locknut, turn rod with pliers, make rod longer. Two inches is a lot of adjustment though, you might have something else wrong.

Well, if his is like mine was, then the jam nut might have come loose, allowing the threaded rod to wiggle and rotate. The PO cautioned me before I test-drove the car that the clutch engages close off the floor. He wasn't kidding!

Care to elaborate? It sounds like there is more going on than the height of the clutch pedal.

When going from 1st to 2nd to 3rd to 4th, no issues with shifting. If I come to a stand still and try to go into reverse, it will only grind. If I turn off the car and try to go into reverse, no problem. If I'm in reverse and want to go into 1st I have the same issue, gotta turn off the car to change the gear.

I can feel that the clutch engages pretty close to the floor so I was thinking that it's not fully engaging due to the height of the pedal and this is possibly causing my issues with going into reverse.

When I checked the locknut on the pushrod the other day, the locknut was completely loose and could be turned by hand.

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