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Decided to do an experiment today.. Using vodkas amazing ability to suck up any flavor you put in it.

I took a 1lb bag of skittles, and 1.75l of vodka

separate the colors, and pour an equal amount of vodka in each jar. From what i've heard you will be able to taste the sweetness of the skittle yet keep the flavorless burn of the vodka.

I can't wait to see how this turns out tomorrow and i will share the results. If all goes well next week will be jolly ranchers


edit: thanks for moving, i wasn't paying attention when i posted this! you saved me a PM

Edited by robftw
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I'm interested to hear what a orange skittle martini tastes like.

**** would be my guess

This is what the late night / early morning will look like though http://www.wimp.com/barfingcup/ watch the hole thing and listen to the commentary. Fitting.

Edited by Arne
Filling in for the AWOL expletive filter....
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Okay here are the results.

After sitting overnight the chewy candy center floated to the top, the skittles are almost completely dissolved.


I got some coffee filters and strained off the candy center, this took an EXTREMELY long time to do...


This is all the stuff that you do not want, kinda gross that this is just 1/5th a bag of skittles.


Here is the final product, it smells incredibly sweet, and does still taste like skittles. However it keeps the tasteless vodka burn. My favorite of the group is orange / Lime. Red kinda tastes like cough syrup




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