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74 260z to 280zx alternator conversion - Need help!

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It's described in the FSM, Engine Electrical section. I don't know where it is on the cars with ammeters.

The L pin in the plug should show 12 volts when the key is turned on. If it doesn't, something's not connected right. The "warning lamp", wherever it is, should go on when the key is On but engine not running, and off when the alternator is charging.

Edit - my slow typing got me again. Stevej, the FSM does show a "warning lamp" in the regulator circuit. Maybe they're using the brake check warning lamp for voltage?

Either way, the L pin should have 12 volts, key On, engine not running.

Edited by Zed Head

Ok thanks for the info.

New problem, car was running great and charging fine after quickly blipping the throttle on start up.. Went out tonight to drive the car, turned the key to the accessory position and heard a clicking from the gas tank which I am assuming is the electric fuel pump. Tried starting the car and it wouldnt fire no matter what.

You'll have to provide a LOT more information than that. Did the starter turn? Did you check for spark? Will the car start with starting fluid? Does your battery voltage drop significantly when you try to start the car, etc., etc., etc.

You'll have to provide a LOT more information than that. Did the starter turn? Did you check for spark? Will the car start with starting fluid? Does your battery voltage drop significantly when you try to start the car, etc., etc., etc.

Car started, turned the lights on and it immediately died. When I tried to restart the car is when I heard the clicking from the fuel pump. Starter turns fine. Car just wont refire.

Probably dirty battery terminals. The engine is running on battery alone. Turning on the lights heats up the dirty terminals enough to break the connection - no current from battery or alternator, engine dies.

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