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I know this is probably a boring read for all you veteran mechanics but I'm real happy with my progress. Got all the internals out of the block and is at the vat shop awaiting baptismal into the Holy Water, then a honing. A fresh spray or 3 on the block, black I'm thinking, no show car just a drivable Z. Put it in a trash bag until I can afford the fresh parts to build it back to stock. Disassembly was real easy, no FSM, but the reassemble will leave some greasy fingerprints on those 500 pages. I wish there was a way to make a living out of 35 year old cars, but they're ain't unless you have a reality show. It really is the personal saisfaction of knowing sometings done right. Amazingly still no bloody nuckles, band-aids, or stiches. Maybe an anti-soreness pill in the morning though.

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Remember when it comes time for reassembly two things. 1 Cleanliness is next to Godliness when it comes to engines. 2. Detail, detail, detail. Never settle for "that's close enough," and if something does not seem right, STOP, investigate, and remedy! There that's my two cents!

Two very good books for the L-series engine.

1. How to rebuild your Nissan/Datsun OHC engine

2. How to modify your Nissan/Datsun OHC engine

Good luck, and have fun!

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