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Electrical Issue... Radio/Fan stays on when car is "off"

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Accessory Relay - The contacts might have welded closed. Look for it in the BE section of the FSM. If you don't have the FSM for your 77, look at the links in my signature. You MIGHT be able to disassemble the relay and unstick the contacts or tap the relay with a hammer to get them to unstick.

hmm, did some searching, and I cannot find an accessory relay?

I did a quick search on here, and apparently the 1977 280z does not have an accessory relay.

what else would I be looking for?

Okay, I looked it up myself and found it. It is called the Ignition Relay, and it is in the FSM. So you have not eliminated that as the source of your problem.

Okay, I looked it up myself and found it. It is called the Ignition Relay, and it is in the FSM. So you have not eliminated that as the source of your problem.

ok now i have a new problem.

when i turn the key to acc, everything turns on as it should; however, when i switch to "on" everything turns off, and when i turn it back to acc nothing turns on unless i go to "off" then back to acc.

do i need a new relay?

Thanks. The extra details help. This is starting to sound like the contacts on the back of the ignition switch might be going bad. It fits both scenarios.

i took apart my ignition relay, and it had a bad ground. I soldered a new wire on, and everything is working as it should now.

now my electrical problems are these...

i connected a 12v to my pump, my car starts and holds idle for about 5 seconds and then starts dying. throttle doesn't rev the engine, and neither does manually moving the AFM.

my turn signals don't work, but everything else works as it should.

my ignition relay is perfectly fine.

my injector/pump relay is fine.

turns signals don't work.

pump only turns on with solenoid disconnected and key turned in the start position.

i'm getting so lost as to what to check for...

First, don't lump your problems together unless you KNOW they have a common source.

The best way to track down these problems is to start at one end of the circuit and trace it all the way to the other end. The point at which you gain/lose signal (voltage) is your likely component failure. (By the way, I'm glad you found the bad ground.) The tricky part is when the problem is intermittent. With your EFI, that does not appear to be the case.

Find a copy of the wiring diagram. Blue has one at his site. The best thing to do is download it and take it to Fed Ex/Kinkos to get it printed out large & in color. That will help you immensely with your diagnostics when matched with the FSM & FI bible.

well my problem originally started when i parked at the store and when i came back 5 minutes later, my car refused to start. before this, my car ran beautifully, 18mpg, great power to the wheels, and all electrical components worked.

all of this has started since then, that's why i believe its a common source.

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