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Hi guys and girls I've been trying to figure out my running rich problem. I went down to the ecu with the efi bible and fsm and tested things and everything looks good besides a couple I have questions about. The afm resistance #1 test calls for about 180 ohms. I get 184. Resistance #3 calls for 100 an I get around there. Resistance #2 test calls for small resistance and continuity. I get 700 the first time I did it after a drive and the car was still warm. Thinking back that 700 is pretty high I went back to test it again a couple days later when the car has been sitting for a day and now I get around 500. Is that to High of a resistance since the test calls for a SMALL resistance? Also where is the starter solenoid lead wire so I can disconnect it to test my air regulator circuit?

Thank you in advance

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The test two measures between the wiper in the 0 rpm position and the start of the carbon trace.

The circuit board has surface mount resistors that are in series AND in parallel with the carbon trace in a ladder pattern.

From the FI manual, it appears there is a resistor between pins 7&8 so that would give you a resistance reading.

For a visual inspection, just check to see if the wiper is tracking properly on the carbon trace and ensure that the wiper/flap assembly is returning all the the way "closed"

Edited by Blue

There is some resistance. I can't recall exactly what it is but I will dig out an AFM in my basement and measure today...oh I just looked at my files and measured it long ago.


I'll check again to verify.


Edited by Blue

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