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The background: My 72 240z 4-speed with a transplanted 2.4 liter from a Z car with an automatic (based on distributor points replacement in a previous adventure).

The car has been running rougher and rougher and now will eventually start and idle up to 800 rpm, any attempt to rev the engine (warm or cold) and the engine bucks and air\fuel backfires out the firewall side of the front SU 3 screw carb. It appears to me that the gasket is gone but I can't find the darn part #, can someone lead me into the light or part store or give me a link to order this part? Picture attached. Thank you in advance.


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The thinner one is for a 260Z and the thicker one is for a 240Z.

Actually, you can't say 240 or 260. Don't forget... They put flat tops on 73 240's. :) Hehe.

So I believe the more accurate answer is that the thinner one is for the flat tops (73 and 74), and the thicker one is for the round tops (anything up to and including 72).

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