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I have been driving my restored 260z for about a year now, maybe 10,000km's on it since rebuild.

Lately i've been having a problem with the car shuddering/chattering when i am releasing the clutch into 1st and reverse gear from a stop. giving a little throttle while releasing clutch (which i normally do) it doesnt chatter/shudder but when i am say inching forward or reversing into a parking spot it shudders like the cluch is grabbing on high spots of the cluch/flywheel. you really feel it grabbing. To my knowledge i dont remember it doing it initially, and i do seem to remember the clutch slipping once really badly as i was on the having fun on an freeway onramp.

The engine/trans/clutch has all been re're'd.

The cluch is Black dragon automotive's 3-in-1 clutch and i dont believe my flywheel was machined but i could be wrong. new slave cylinder and clutch master cyl.

Stock L26/4spd.

Is there any form of adjustment that i can make, or should i just live with the shudder because of my poor decision on a cheap clutch?


You might be looking at his Join Date, WN? The post is a day old, I believe.

Sounds like you might have overheated the clutch during the one time it slipped really bad. There's no real way to adjust it out, it's a function of the surfaces of the pressure plate, disc, and flywheel.

But, loose transmission and motor mounts will make it worse. My last clutch was like that and replacing the transmission mount made it more tolerable. Basically limited the amplitude of the shake. But it didn't go away for good until I got a new clutch set.

Loose or torn engine /transmission mounts are often the culprit. And you've USUALLY got to take them completely off to see the tear in the rubber part or other defect.

Failure to resurface the flywheel when you do the job can make a new clutch shudder like the old one, even a good one.

  • 2 months later...

We just did the clutch and flywheel in our 74.

I had the flywheel resurfaced from shop A.

Went to shop B, close to my work for some dowel pins and had them press the new throw out bearing on e collar.

The old fella that owns the shop asked if he could look at the flywheel, I asked why and he said a lot of shops don't machine them correctly.

He says, I'll check it out on my machine to make sure it's ok.

No charge if it is, $35 if I have to machine it.

I came back the next day and sure enough, he had to machine it.

He explained to me that it was not machined square to the crank.

Shop A just laid it on it's back and machined it, his machine mounts to the cranks surface.

He had his shop guy show me a video he took with his phone while maching.

Instead of seeing a constant shower of sparks, it sparked then didn't and so on as the flywheel turned.

He had to take quite a bit off to fix the problem, he said if we didn't the clutch chatter would have been severe.

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