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I have a problem with my brakes in my '72 Z. Just bought it not too long ago. When I apply the brakes, the pedal is pretty stiff going down, (that's what she said) and when the brakes catch, it goes left. The p.o. said he had just put a new brake system on. Could it be the lines weren't bled correctly? It's in getting a face lift with the painter, but I thought I would ask now, to know how to proceed. Any thoughts would be welcomed..... Tim :)

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The stiff pedal could be a booster problem. Does the idle speed change when you press on the brake pedal?

You'll have to do more investigation as to why it pulls. Take the front wheels off and have a look. Pressure should be equalized left and right (hydraulics) so even air in the lines shouldn't cause it to pull. Air in the lines leads to a spongy-feelng pedal.

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First thing I would do is switch the front tires around. If it pulls to the right, you have a wheel/tire issue. Uneven tire pressures and differences in rolling diameter will cause pull under braking. If the car sat for a while and/or the tires are old, I wouldn't be surprised.

EDIT: Agreed with Zed on the booster causing a stiff pedal. Most likely, either the diaphragm is torn or the check valve in the vacuum line going to the booster is installed incorrectly.

Edited by LeonV
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While Leon and Zed are most likely correct I usually try to do repairs in order of Pain In The arse, or PITA factor. In this situation I would bleed the brakes (or change the fluid entirely if its due) first since its little expense in both time and money and good maintenance in general. I would also assume the PO did nothing correctly: you could have a leaky brake fluid hose, a system full of air, or even frogs stuck in there. You don't know at this point so start with the basics. I would bet that by bleeding the system you either fix the problem or learn something new about it

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Pull to the left head on collision, Pull to the right you are stuck in a ditch. Hmm, no this does not compare to politics.

But really as said above, just do an overall brake inspection and you should find the problem. I think if the car pulls to one side during braking that would indicate insufficient braking on the opposite side. check the fluid and look for leaks all around but especially on the right caliper. again the brake being stiff sounds a little like a brake booster issue, look for vacuum leaks also.

Edited by grantf
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