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You will get the best gains on a non-stock engine with any kind of triple carbs. You would only need to upgrade to a better ignition and a slightly hotter cam and a good free flowing exhaust to get the most out of the carbs. You will get some improvement on a totally stock engine, but you won't be getting your monies worth out of your investment in the carbs.

As for where to get what you need in your area, I'd have to leave that to someone else, perhaps Caen Fred might have some ideas as to suppliers.

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yes for sure for the price(300€ each carb + the plenum) it's better to have a significant change, and in effect it's better to have all the componant in harmony for the best result you 're wrigt..

i'll just want to now if it's run with a standar engine, because i project to do that little by little. And open the engine is not my first project, but if i had to restor the S.U, i'll prefer to buy 3 weber, than spent time and money in the original carb.

thanks for your reply


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