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Mikes,thank you!Very informative pictures!

JCPurcell,I always need to be sure that the model is correct,that geometry matches the real one.So tell me if you find any mismatches.Also you can help me with referals-looked up in your gallery and noticed some beautiful photos!They will also help me.Do you still got your Z in this condition?


Edited by INST3D
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Mikes,thank you!Very informative pictures!

JCPurcell,I always need to be sure that the model is correct,that geometry matches the real one.So tell me if you find any mismatches.Also you can help me with referals-looked up in your gallery and noticed some beautiful photos!They will also help me.Do you still got your Z in this condition?


Yes, I just got my 1972 Persimmon Red (110) back from a full restoration by Les at Classic Datsun Motorsports in Vista, California. I am working out a few bugs, to be expected after a full restoration. I did have an early 70 VIN# HLS30-00029 it now belongs to Les @ Classic Datsun Motorsports. It was a fully prepared race car from the 70's and 80's. The car you are working on looks to be a Series 1 car (no tool boxes on the luggage deck behind the seats). I am looking forward to seeing your completed 3D work. I would love to have a copy to frame in the future. Jerry Purcell

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Mikes,thank you!Very informative pictures!

JCPurcell,I always need to be sure that the model is correct,that geometry matches the real one.So tell me if you find any mismatches.Also you can help me with referals-looked up in your gallery and noticed some beautiful photos!They will also help me.Do you still got your Z in this condition?






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Ah you got is assembled...I think that those luggage boxes you mean are assymmetrical so they are not made on this stage of modelling.

The bulkhead behind the seat on the Series 2 cars is different than the Series 1 cars. The bulkhead and the Series 1 cars have the holes in them that you were asking about earlier (3 holes or 2 holes). The tire changing tools were located in front of the bulkhead on the floor with a black plastic cover over them on the Series 1 cars. Beginning in 1972 (Series 2 cars) the bulkhead does not have the holes in it there are doors in the floor of the luggage area just behind the bulkhead one behind each seat these doors are to tool boxes to hold the tire change tools. The bulkhead does not have holes due to the fact that they now (in the Series 2 cars) are used to form one of the interior sides of the tool box. I hope I have cleared this up for you it is sometimes hard to explain without pictures. Does anyone have pictures of the difference in the bulkhead behind the seats between the Series 1 and 2 cars?

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DXF maybe?The list of possible exporting formats:


Wow, your model is incredible. I would love to get an .igs file of your model. I am a Pro-E guru and this would be great to play with.

Also, noticed you are in Russia. I traveled out there a number of times working with the Russian space agency. Was fun work.

Best regards,


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Does anyone have pictures of the difference in the bulkhead behind the seats between the Series 1 and 2 cars?

http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=3138&title=432r-replica-rear-floor-area&cat=3069 I think this is series 2 right?

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