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first thoughts on flutter, low power. 72 240

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getting to know my newest addition to the garage.

24o with the su's and pretty much stock config as far as ive found.

just doesnt seem to be making the power it should.

first impression is running a little lean, but what are your thoughts?

the good

starts great, idles great, runs good, no overheating

the bad

makes really mediocre power. spools up fine to about 3000 but seems to flutter over that.

revs will continue to rise, but power is not up to par.

blows a haze over 5000 out the pipe.

checked, wires,cap,rotor, all the basic stuff seems good.

havent gotten too into timing, but engine runs starts so good i doubt its out too far.

pulled plugs, a couple had carbon powder, the others were quite clean.

give me some insight guys, where would you start?

thinking maybe vac advance but revs will climb normal, just no power.

ps. i dont know su's yet so talk to me. thanks for any time you can spare.

I would start with a good baseline tune-up. That would include cap, rotor, wires, plugs, points, condenser, fuel filter, ignition timing, valve adjustment, carb sync and float bowl height check/adjustment and a review of the vacuum lines, fuel lines and throttle linkage.

With this done, you'll more then likely know exactly what is right and what is not right with your engine.

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