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Sorry, I have a 1972 240z, I was interested in a chart, or info. for the wire harness that goes through the dash, and to the fuse box. Pretty much all electrical wiring into the car. I have the schematic out of the haynes manuel, but i was looking for something maybe with the color codes, some kind of diagram, at least something more specific that would help me rewire the dash into the car. Sorry for the confusion.

Frankenstein Z

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Best bet for a diagram to show how the wiring harness is run through the dash is a Factory Service Manual.

If you don't have one, you can get one from Andy Russell, at z@datsundude.com or (480) 343-2962

There are expensive now, but it will be the best 75 dollars you can spend. You'll get more out of the FSM than you can all the rest of the so-called service manuals combined. Not only as far as wiring diagrams but anything you need to do to the car, it's probably covered in there.

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