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So today i adjusted the AFM tooth wheel. I had my dad put pressure on the wheel while I unloosened the screw but I forgot to tell him not to let go, so he did let go before I was able to tighten it(REGRETS!). After awhile, I was driving and the car would just stumble. The gas pedal also became sensitive. so every time I would slightly let go of the gas pedal, the car would just decelerate really fast. I know for sure I recoiled the spring in the AFM. If that's the case, how would I go about fixing that?

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Just keep tightening it until it runs well. You can calibrate it hanging a soda can. Take a look at tech tips.

The quick and dirty way to get into the ball park is to tighten it until it runs OK then, with the engine warmed up, have your dad hold the engine at 3 to 4,000 rpms while you use your finger to move the AFM wiper CW and CCW from where it naturally sits. If the engine runs faster in either direction then you must tighten or loosen the spring a few teeth and repeat until the AFM wiper sits at fastest rpm point.

Lots of into here: http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/EFI&fuel.htm

Just keep tightening it until it runs well. You can calibrate it hanging a soda can. Take a look at tech tips.

The quick and dirty way to get into the ball park is to tighten it until it runs OK then, with the engine warmed up, have your dad hold the engine at 3 to 4,000 rpms while you use your finger to move the AFM wiper CW and CCW from where it naturally sits. If the engine runs faster in either direction then you must tighten or loosen the spring a few teeth and repeat until the AFM wiper sits at fastest rpm point.

Lots of into here: http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/EFI&fuel.htm

Alright, thank you!! Very helpful. I'll get it done in the morning when I wake up.

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