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What also bugs me is your comparison of engine power to an inline 4 Honda motor. Not sure what your past experience with Z cars are, but these cars are very torque and it sounds like you have none. That coupled to having to run with the choke says to me that your float levels are lean.

You should probably try to eliminate head gasket issues by getting a coolant tester or some kind of tester.

Have you also experimented with timing changes? Try advancing without your vacuum advance installed to see how it effects power

Not losing any coolant that I have noticed. I've put a couple hundred miles on the car since putting it back together and haven't needed to add any coolant, or noticed any steam from exhaust.

I'll try for a more accurate mark. I don't knowing the mechanical advance is in GOOD condition, I've nearly checked that I can move it and have lubricated it.

My bad! When I got home I checked the coolant just to be sure ad it was down almost a little. I'll keep an eye on that. Perhaps a rebuilt head is going to be on order soon...

What also bugs me is your comparison of engine power to an inline 4 Honda motor. Not sure what your past experience with Z cars are, but these cars are very torque and it sounds like you have none. That coupled to having to run with the choke says to me that your float levels are lean.

You should probably try to eliminate head gasket issues by getting a coolant tester or some kind of tester.

Have you also experimented with timing changes? Try advancing without your vacuum advance installed to see how it effects power

I wouldn't say my car is very torquey. I've been in a 260Z with L28/triple carbs and it was much quicker. This is kind of an unfair comparison though.

Taking some advice given here, I double checked my TDC measurement, which I would say is within 1 degree of TDC, and set my timing to 12* BTDC at 850rpm. This dramatically reduced my idle, so I re-synced the carbs using a unisyn, and needed to increase richness on both carbs. On top of that, I disconnected the vacuum lead on the advance and went for a drive. The car idles smoother at 12* with the idle screws opened slightly wider, but drives nearly the same, perhaps with less power than before. I think it's possible I was actually at 20+ BTDC advancement before, which is crazy without detonation

I think it's possible I was actually at 20+ BTDC advancement before, which is crazy without detonation

This is assuming that the mechanical/centrifugal, and vacuum advance are/were working. Have you checked timing while revving the engine?

I have pretty much given up on posting from my iphone... I'll try to repost.

The centrifugal swings rather well, and returns to 'zero' when at idle. It does not appear to be getting stuck anywhere. I think it was giving 18-20 degrees additional up to around 4000rpm, but I'll recheck this afternoon when I'm home.

Would it be of any help if I posted a short video of the car when warm, at an idle, using GoPro behind my timing light to show RPM vs Total Advance, working up in 500RPM increments?

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