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The motor turns over - but only a single huff per key turn if that makes any sense. Solid advice, thanks. Haha

Definitely not corrosion. The starter went from working acceptably to its current state between cranks, mostly my fault and the weathers.

Bitter cold day, but I got the new starter in. Turned the key and got one turn over, and now just a rapid clicking noise. Probably killed my battery, too. Its back on the chager, we'll see how its doing before long.

Battery is fully charged, and she turns over with a vigor I've never heard since I got her. Here's a side by side.


As you can see, my old starter looks as if it was stored in a swamp.

Anyway, it cranks, but still no fire. I just rebuilt the carbs, and I'm waiting on some gaskets to get it back in the car. If I'm still having problems, we're probably looking back to it being flooded/fouled.

Not yet, I will. Last time I looked they were great, but that was a while back. It ran fine one day, and the next it wouldn't fire. That morning I had cranked and pumped so much, I figure it could've flooded it. But I'll know soon enough.

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