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Pinging is actually a small form of detonation - fuel exploding rather than burning. Not quite sure how waterless coolant would inhibit detonation. I have been running waterless coolant for more than a year now. It does help to eliminate hot spots where water would flash to steam particularly after shut down.

not sure I would agree with your definitions, but that's fine. The claim from the manufacturer is that

'hot spots' in the engine are reduced in the manner you state. Is this something you have actually observed with you Car & if so what were the physical symptoms ?

Yes I observed this after stopping a fully warmed engine - with coolant temperature at 180 degrees - no pressure on the radiator cap. After shutdown, hot spots, around the exhaust manifold for example, are no longer having heat removed by the moving water. Listening, you can hear steam bubbling up through the coolant system. This is verified by using a rag and loosening the radiator cap and hearing the pressure escape.

I have not heard this or observed pressure with the waterless coolant.

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