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The relay you bought should work, if that's what you need. The Ford relay is popular because someone that knows a lot used it and described it and likes it. And, apparently, it triggers at a fairly low voltage, which is good. They both work the same way.

The test I described will show you if the relay offers anything though. If jumping the solenoid directly to the battery doesn't solve the problem then the relay won't work either.

It's done and..........it starts. Didn't use the relay and those extra wires. I made sure every connection was clean, again. The only one that I was concerned with was the bayonet connector on the solenoid. I had tried cleaning it with an emery board. I went to Radio Shack to get some electrical contact cleaner, had it sprayed, connected everything back up and it fired right up. Had a difficult time attaching the 2 tiny screws back into the cylinder. got that done, and the key wouldn't turn. Took it back apart again and realized I didn't have it in the off position when putting back together. This time I took a piece of Duct Tape about 4'' long, tore it in half and taped the connector to the cylinder. Got one screw in and quit for the evening. I put the other one in this morning. ....... Thanks to all who responded to my post, really appreciate the help and suggestions.


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