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Having problems with the photos.

I guess my 2.8 rods are different from 2.4 rods. :ermm:

Thanks for the reply, yeah those ARP bolts are really snug! But after talking to a friend last night and reading your post I decided to give it the ole, if it don't fit hammer it approach. Well they fit now ;-)


One went in almost all the way with just some tapping, the other was more stubborn. Out came a 10mm socket and the bench vice and they seated quite nicely. I was worried for a moment though. Now just have to pop out the other 5 pistons and repeat.

What's another couple hours of work right? LOL

Well that was fun! Pulled all 6 slugs out and changed out the rod bolts for the ARP sweet ones. Only took about 45 min to R&R all 6, not too shabby. Now I have a complete short block ^_^

Pardon my expression of frustration at the poor stretched out 42 year old bolts but they really pissed me off!



Did a few little things today too, scavenged the fittings from an old air injection pipe to use for plugging up the holes in the stock exhaust mani I got with the car. dug the manifold out from under a pile of parts and picked up some VHT Flameproof Black paint for it. Wanted the cast iron but couldn't find it locally. Oh well, black will look good.


Also had to pull the front cover dowels from an old block to put in this one as they seem to have gotten lost over the last 6 years. Tomorrow I will put the head on and hopefully the timing set and cover as well. getting close to having a real engine in the ole girl!

Stay tuned.....

Another update!

Got the long block pretty much together, still have accessories and the oil pan to install but its looking like a real engine.


Also got the air tube fittings welded up and installed to block off the ports in the exhaust mani. Bead blasted it as well and painted with VHT Flame Proof black.


Picking up a oil pan gasket tonight and will get it installed, as well as probably the oil pump and the timing chain plate and fuel pump. Hopefully I can get it ready to drop in the ca this weekend and have the first fire soon!

What's another couple hours of work right? LOL

Another 12 pack!

Exactly. We have crates of german beer ( 0,5 liter ) here by the way LOL:D


@ 2000JP: Looks good man !

Edited by bartsscooterservice

More Pix!

Adjusted valves, installed heater hose bypass thingy and valve cover. Started cleaning up the carbs, they have been siting on the shelf in my garage pretty much as pictured below for 6 years.....



Funny, as I was rotating the engine around to adjust the valves number 6 blew the towel I had stuffed in the spark plug hole half way across the garage! Scared the crap out of my cuz it made a resounding "POP" when it flew out LOL

I have the rest of the hardware soaking in cleaner overnight so hopefully tomorrow I can install the alternator, exhaust, distributer and maybe intake. Then this baby is just about done!

Nice work :) Did you soak the carbs in something or what?

Thanks! Haven't done anything but remove the SMOG equipment from the manifold so far. I will rebuild them at some point but for now I'm going to pull the domes, clean up the bodies, adjust the floats and replace the feed tubes. Probably will do that tonight.

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