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I'm in the process of installing a Pertronix on my '72. I have read so many conflicting wiring instructions it makes my head swim. One consistency, though, is don't leave your ignition on without the engine running or you canburn out the Pertronix.

I can imagine a simple circuit, but I cannot design it.

A relay that shuts off power to the Pertronix if it dees not sense an ingntion pulse within a minute or so. Resets with turn-off of ignition power.

One of you geniuses out there can cesign it so it can be built for about $10, and save the rest of us the replacement cost several times over.

How about it?


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Surprising that that is still a problem. Most modern electronic modules are designed to remove this issue. Also surprising that Pertronix doesn't have an add-on solution. Maybe that's where some of the Pertronix failures come from.

You could run the output through a GM HEI module and let the HEI control the coil. Module triggering module. The HEI module doesn't put full current through the coil unless the engine is running. It would be kind of goofy but I think that it would work. $25.

Maybe sense voltage where an electric fuel pump cutoff would connect, on the oil pressure sending unit or similar, with a comparator like an op amp connected to a 555 timer? That could control a relay applying power to the Pertronix. I wouldn't trust my own design for something that might make the engine stop.

You might be able to steal some ideas from my Electric Fuel Pump conversion and schematic. I've never had any issues with my Pertronix yet, but I will admit that I carry a set of points in the trunk in case I ever get stuck.

Dave's 1972 Datsun 240z: Electric Fuel Pump Installation

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