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New Centric rotors don't fit [shorter hat]

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Well i decided i would not flog a dead horse and went out and ordered some Centric "sportstop brake rotors" from 'RockAuto'.... however after installing them, i now notice that the "hat height" on these rotors is about 3/8th inch shorter, thus making it impossible to get the calipers on...

Here is a picture of the problem..


I'm just wondering if Rockauto sent me the wrong rotors, or what my options are.... I may have to make spacers - perhaps a 1/4 inch spacer will do the job, but of course that also means i have to find longer hub bolts. [anyone know the bolt size for the stock bolts?]

The part number and part type don't really tell me anything.... As you may know with these auto parts websites, you select your make and year even before you search for the part, so i really should not have been able to order the wrong part - of course that still doesn't mean they didn't send me the wrong part, but i am nervous about Rockauto being honest about such a mistake.... guess we will see shortly.

Here are the part numbers



Part type is listed as


I hope they do acknowledge sending the wrong part [which is clearly what must have happened] but if not i really don't have much of an option - unless i send them back an bite it on shipping..

I realize this is a sensitive area to play with, but i don't think i could go wrong as long as the spacer is strong [not aluminum or brass for example] and i make sure to get longer hub bolts. Its really just acting as a longer hat...

I also may not be thinking very clearly as i'm frankly quite pissed that this has happened.... My experience with customer service from other companies isn't helping either.

Thanks for the reply, though...

You didn't say what year your 240Z is. Your profile says you've owned a 72 and a 73 240Z. the internet says that your part number is good for 73-78 2X0Z cars, so if you're talking about a 73, you're in the gray zone.

Could also be that someone changed your front suspension.

I would take the focus off assuming someone else made a mistake and make sure that you didn't first.

My car is a 73, and prior to this i had never heard of Datsun changing the design of their rotors in mid stream [so to speak]... but it appears to be the case, as i think my car was made in the 6 month (but not sure). It would of course have been nice if Rockauto [or Centric i suppose] would have given details [dimensions, measurements] etc for those rotors if this was an issue for that year... So, needless to say i am now waiting to see how good their customer service is, and give me the benefit of doubt and give me a full refund. Otherwise i think my 'shopping on the internet' experiment will come to a quick halt.

They are scalloped.... and i have had the car over 25 years and nothing of that sort was done. This has to be one of the most bizarre things that has ever happened to me regarding car repair.

Its really all up to Rockauto.... because if they won't give me a refund i will have to find another solution. I'm feeling like they took advantage of me somewhat, as i really could not imagine two completely different sizes of rotors for the same f-ing car year....!!!! plus the fact they don't mention this as an issue in the listing, and didn't even give the dimensions of the rotors so people could go and measure the old rotors for comparison.

Really puts you in a vulnerable spot for ordering parts online...like a trap almost... so if they don't make it right i'll never do that again.

I hear your frustration, but ordering on-line is a fact of life, especially for us-guys with old cars. I've been forced to order stuff the US that my local Napa Parts Source etc no longer carry. With that convenience and accessability comes risk....(and fees..and exchange rates.) but you get what you want.

Your only recourse is to stop doing business with them and move on to their competition. Definitely let them know why your no longer using them. There are tons of US car parts suppliers willing to ship to Canada. I found some complete gasket sets for $78 from some place called Northen Auto Parts via ebay that were over $160 locally. I purchased tires from TireRack that were 30% cheaper including UPS shipping than buying them my Fountain tire 2 miles away. Its just SUCH a pain to return things when they are wrong....

Aside from the fact that the internet is full of stories about Nissan changing things mid-stream, and blending parts as they make the change, what are the dimensions of the rotor that you have? At least you can confirm that you either got the wrong part or you got the right part for the wrong hub. Measure from the mating surface of the wheel to the disc surface. I can measure that through the slots in my wheels.

Finding and getting the right parts is part of the fun. If you can't get a full refund, you might make your money back by just selling them to someone here. With the dimensions in hand at least they'll know they're getting the right part. :ermm:

They are scalloped....

Its really all up to Rockauto.... because if they won't give me a refund i will have to find another solution. I'm feeling like they took advantage of me somewhat,

This part just clicked after I made my other post. You have the "early" hubs on your 1973 car. So RockAuto sent you the right parts for a 73, according to the data available. Interested to see what they do, I'm not even sure that there are real people there. It's a huge operation, many more brands and models than just Datsun and Z cars, and might be primarily robots and warehouses.

From what I've seen, most parts houses are all working from the same database. So they all make the same mistakes. Try to find a transmission rebuild kit and you'll see.

And, there are several threads on this forum about the early scalloped hubs and the rotors. Part of the puzzle...

Edited by Zed Head
Just take solace in the fact that you

did everything properly when you

placed the order. Then, approach

Rock Auto firmly stating your case.

They should honor your request and

either replace or refund.

I'm worried that they may insist i "installed" the part, even though it doesn't fit, and couldn't really KNOW that until i put it on the hub and shaft. These rotors came with absolutely nothing as far as measurements, and i had never even heard of any difference between any year 240z, let alone the SAME year. I clearly ordered rotors for a 73 240z, but i'm finding out just now there are 51.5mm [hat size] rotors and 43.5 mm rotors.... apparently both for 73. I need the taller one, and they sent the short one.

I wish there was a relatively cheap method of just fabricating an 8mm spacer.... then finding longer bolts with the right shank or grip length... That would be a viable fix provided the spacer was hard shear strength metal, it would actually be the strongest part of the assembly, and from what i can see the bolts can take up to 32,000 pounds of shear force, which would be plenty to say the least.

Unfortunately i really don't know what to do at this point.... and my project is on hold. Even if Rockauto decides to refund the rotors cost, which i think they *should* do, i will be biting it twice on shipping, and will still have to order new rotors FROM MY LOCAL AUTO PARTS STORE.

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