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Start looking around for someone who is discarding all the (alleged) "intake crap off this 280 motor". If you are patient and smart, before long you will have a stack in your garage of intakes, injectors, harnesses, AFM.s TB's and 'puters for a VERY SMALL outlay of funds. $25-75 for an entire intake assembly and $25-75 for a 'puter. All depends on how patient you are. Alot of this stuff is practically free.

FI is made up of a whole bunch of $100 (new) parts lined up and when they are all talking to each other properly, everything works flawlesslessly. If communication breaks down or one part isn't doing it's job, things get kinda sketchy. If you have a friend with a FI 280 to compare to, it really helps. Either that or take a bunch of pix of one and set yours up the same way to familiarize yourself with what every part does and where all the wires and hoses go. Information about engine temp and vaccuum etc. is constantly being fed to various parts and assemblies. I would seggest setting everything up stock EXACTLY LIKE IT IS ON A PERFECTLY RUNNING FI 280Z and THEN, after you have learned how everything fits together in the lovely FI jigsaw puzzle, start removing unnecessary items (smog, perhaps?) and 'jiggin wit it'.



ps...You're going to get a whole buncho of people calling you stupid and idiotic for considering FI as it is a stupid idea that is 'untunable' and 'unmodifiable' and 'weak' and "why bother" when you can put on carbs or triples and get "ten times the power for ten times less money" and on and on and on. BE STRONG, MY FRIEND! Don't listen to anybody who uses a choke on a regular basis.

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I am in the process of installing fuel injection on my 240z.

I took the cylinder head and intake (w/ all the wires) off of

a running 280z and transplanted it onto my 240 block. When

I am done I will have one high revving 2.4L engine w/ the starting

and reliability of the fuel injection. I am still in the process of hooking up the wiring harness. I hope to have it running by the end of the month.

Any questions that you may have in doing your car i may be able to answer. ( I've been through the hole thing ).

- Jeff

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good luck with the injection modification. The cheapest way is to do it all yourself using a complete donnor car taking everything you need. When you need any tech support just post the request and you will get lots of help from everyone. I did my conversion to injection over ten years ago and believe me it is one of the best upgrades you can do for reliability and fuel economy you get 30mpg.

good luck


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I recently bought an 280XL engine to go into my 240 and I do not want to run the injection. This engine was built by a z mechanic for his own car . Accident and new baby and well I now have the engine. The intake I was told is a '75 and it has been polished. It has all the injecters and sencers ,linkage everything that is connected to the manifold. No computer. It came off this running engine. The injecters might need cleaning . He told me that this is the unit that is sought after, and has no EGR if that makes any sence to you. I am unfamilure with fuel injection as you might gess by my post. I live in portland Ore. and was told at the boneyard that they want $65.00 for the same thing . Make me an offer and you pay the fright . Gary I dont have a ditg. camera but I can borrow one if you are interested.:classic:

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"ps...You're going to get a whole buncho of people calling you stupid and idiotic for considering FI as it is a stupid idea that is 'untunable' and 'unmodifiable' and 'weak' and "why bother" when you can put on carbs or triples and get "ten times the power for ten times less money" and on and on and on. BE STRONG, MY FRIEND! Don't listen to anybody who uses a choke on a regular basis."

well whoever says this has no idea of how a car works or what works best. there is NO way and i mean NO WAY carburetion will ever win out over fuel injection. just doesnt happen.

also, ill quote this too, why fuel injection when you can get webers, well webers cost 1250, hmmm and sds fuel system costs 1395. i dont see much difference for a much better fuel delivery system at all.

carbs no offense to anyone are for people that dont want to take the time to learn fuel injection and or are hard pressed to the old ways.

injection is the way to go and there are so many ways to tune its not funny. id go with the injection. but if your going fuel injected then go turbo damnit !!!:devious:

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