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I see so many people texting on the freeway I think I'm in Starbucks. They are completely disconnected with the task at hand. I often change lanes to avoid the obviously distracted drivers.

My fear is that much like flying a fighter plane, it's the one you don't see that gets you...

IMO, fines for texting while driving should be tripled.

Could it be that new cars have to much technology and computers assisting in driving that people are forgetting to learn how to actually drive a car ? Do you think people in 2050 will know how to operate a 1970's car with manual choke?

Please . These complaints have been going on since the automobile and congestion was invented .

Except for the bad behavior , each decade gives up a ''new'' sin - these years it's texting and driving,

the 80's + 90's was drunk driving , probably earlier too .

We just have to expect the worst out there, drive defensively , and get home in one piece .

Prescription drugs might be a factor. In the supermarket I often see people with a glazed look, unaware of their surroundings; people that will be on the road a few minutes later.

On the freeway, more traffic = slow lines for the onramps = more cheaters that stay in a faster lane and squeeze in at the last minute = more accidents = more slow-downs.

But driving's still fun when conditions are right.

Could it be that new cars have to much technology and computers assisting in driving that people are forgetting to learn how to actually drive a car ? Do you think people in 2050 will know how to operate a 1970's car with manual choke?

Recently read that three out of four Canadians drivers can no longer operate an automobile with a standard transmission...go figure!!

Recently read that three out of four Canadians drivers can no longer operate an automobile with a standard transmission...go figure!!

I was thinking the automatic transmission is the first and worst offender! Bring back three on the tree.

The daughter of my wife's co-worker got hit at a cross walk yesterday. There was a witness but the driver still told the girl that the girl crossed when the Do not walk sign was lit, and she also said this to the police. So far 6 people hit at cross walks in this city of ~ 300,000 people since Jan 1.

and play a prophecy game. Try to guess what the hell they're going to do next. You'll be surprised how well it works.

Mark in Portland

I've taught my boys this skill, I call car body language, it's amazing how well you can predict another drivers actions by watching the way they move in their lane! It's saved me more times than I can count. Drivers here in Edmonton are not just bad, they are actively aggressive and dangerous, got to get to work 30 seconds sooner by passing on a blind crest:stupid:I think it's more noticeable now just due to increasing population.

Still, it is depressing, I hope this is not a result of the aging process LOL

Thanks everyone, Portland drivers don't seem quite as bad as I once thought. they are generally courteous but they think using turn signals is a sign of weakness, Yes we have some that do the usual things but we have some that can get quite creative, Cutting across 3 lanes of traffic going 55mph without a turn signal while using the mirror on her visor to put on mascara to try to get to an off ramp that she had already passed. Let's stop with generalities and get down to individual incidents of stupdity. We all have tales about stupid drivers, Mark in Portland

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