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Yes, it could be the switch. That is a common problem. Exercising the switch. It may improve somewhat through use as this tends to wipe off dirt and oxidation that can build up on the switch contacts. Also, each headlight has its own fuse, so check those as well.

Pretty common, also, for the ground side to get gummed up. There are two switches - one to supply power and the other to provide a ground. It's the high/low dimmer switch in the turn signal assembly. I've fixed two by squirting contact cleaner in to the switch and working it.

I've also fixed a power switch by tightening the little tabs on the side of the circuit board (two circuits). It's on top of the column. But if you have the column cover off and you're there it might be worthwhile to bend the tabs back and take it apart. The contacts get pitted over time and can be cleaned up. Watch out for the little parts and remove the power source first.

  • 8 months later...

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