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I've had this 71 datsun 240z for a few weeks. one day it just stopped running(it was a barn find btw). I checked the electronics. they looked pretty good. I replaced the plug wires, the sparkplugs, the condenser, the distributor, the points adn the coil( i routed a wire around the ballast resistor because the new coil produces sufficient ohms). after all this still no spark. I've started testing continuity and so far its turned out good but i still dont know where to put the ends of the ammeter thing when testing the tach to where the blue/white wire leaves the cabin.

The compression is good in the engine and sufficient fuel. so i'm really at a loss as to what to do. any suggestions as to whats wrong?

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If you took the ballast resistor out of the circuit the car won't run (ask me how I know). Connect the two wires from the b-r together and see what happens. It would also make a great anti-theft device, because no one would look for it there.

Cheers, Mike

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I tried with both configurations of the ballast resistor. Nothing changed. Still the same problem of no spark to the sparkplugs.

After checking continuity I found that the wire leading to the tach to the wire right before it leaves the interior cabin isn't continuous. Is there a relay in between those or does this test conclude that there's a break in the wire somewhere in between or the tach is somehow messing things up?

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