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starter doesn't engage, ignition switch (78 280z 2+2)

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hey forum

so i'm starting to prep my franken-Z for sale (unless i get attached again hehe) but it's not starting consistently. new/charged battery, new terminals for +/- cables, and new starter. turning the switch will give me a click, prob relay, but will not engage the starter.

lights and fuel delivery is fine. after jumping the starter, the car cranks on fine. after that the switch will then engage the starter properly. but eventually it won't and it's back to the same click although always starts when jumping the starter.

this weekend i'll probably test the switch assembly. searching here, i see that the electrical part is the usual suspect so maybe i won't have to take the whole assembly out and deal with those screws. although i may end up replacing the whole assembly just to rule it out. the screws have wear so it was replaced or removed at some point.

would there be other suspects?

- I've read that the oil pressure switch acts like a cutoff on 78??

- fusible links. the PO eliminated the fusible links outside the relays (amongst other things). no fusible links sounds like a problem.

- relay under the glove by the fuse box. although if it's starting, wouldn't that rule out the relays?

suggestions? checks i can do?

heads up, i'm an electrical newb

both the battery and starter were dead, confirmed at Autozone. that's how i got it back to life. this was about two years ago. i stopped driving it about a year ago because the issue was intermittent and would leave me stranded. it would start normal, but after it was driven then shut off it would do the click thing no starter. then eventually it would start fine without issues. i noticed this was usually when it was really hot out.

  • 2 months later...

so i decided to replace the ignition switch completely. man those security screws suck!! at least that top one was pretty annoying. but i didn't remove the switch as i noticed something: the two black wires differ in the switches. the new one has both male ends, while the old one has a male and female. does this matter? the harness connections are both males, i think.

also any tips on installing the security screws? to make it less of a PITA if i have to remove again. i was thinking installing screws with a head or pre-drilling a flat line.

maybe a misunderstanding: i didn't replace the original lock yet because i noticed the wires were different at the connection, both males. i didn't notice the connectors until after i bought the new switch, but all of the new ones i saw for sale come with both male connections. i'm assuming it doesn't matter, maybe get a female to connect it to the harness.

i suppose you're right, why make it easier. if the original switch did last 40 years, unless it's faulty, i probably don't have to worry about the new one for a while.

the two black wires differ in the switches. the new one has both male ends, while the old one has a male and female. does this matter? the harness connections are both males, i think.

I had the same issue. They're for the key in ignition buzzer and I just left them detached (the originals were also disconnected when I got it, guess a previous owner didn't like buzzers either). Only down side is if it's not hooked up your key buzzer will not work. (if you consider that a down side :stupid: )

not really. i think it was intermittently buzzing anyways. although i am pretty clumsy and leave my keys in the ignition at least once a year per car. hehe

on a side note: if you're dog has fleas don't let him in your car. i let him in while i worked on the switch last weekend. i guess i'm not the only one that misses the z. went in to start the car yesterday and my legs were instantly covered with little black dots, a damn huge infestation. dammit!! well it's my fault for not keeping up with his meds. probably doesn't help that the PO installed regular home carpeting. ugh… quarantine.

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