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Okay, a bit of an odd request but here goes...

Would anyone be interested in helping me gather up some sound recordings of their 1st Gen 240/260/280Z?

A student in the UK made a nice computer model version of the 240Z for the rFactor2 Racing Simulator program. However he did not have access to the proper sound samples necessary to make it sound right.

When I saw his work, I helped him with refining it a bit - getting the 4SPD and 5SPD gear rations correct, tweak the suspension specs to make it handle properly, etc. All that's left is a proper sound pack for it.

For those unfamiliar, these type of sound packs are comprised of a few specialized recordings, such as the engine starting up, idling, and a few more. But most importantly is getting a set of good quality recordings of the engine at specific intervals of RPM range. For example, a clean recording of the engine for approximately 10 seconds at 1000 RPM, 2000 RPM, 3000 RPM, etc. Once this is done and the samples are edited into loops, the application can "bend" them together to make a very realistic sounding engine throughout it's full RPM range.

Sadly, my Z out of commission and likely to be so for some time [no $$$]. If someone would be kind enough to assist on this, it would at least give me the ability to drive my Z "virtually" on race tracks all over the world. Doesn't driving your Z on the famous Nurburgring sound like fun?

If anyone would like to help, please send me a private message or reply here.

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I might be able to help on this.

Turns out that I was very interested in hearing exactly how my new exhaust sounded and wanted something better than what I could hear from the drivers sear with the window down.

So I purchased a small stereo microphone that I mounted right about the exhaust and ran to my Go Pro inside of the car.

I now have a lot of audio / video of my car in all different sorts of driving situations.

I guess I would just need to figure out how to separate the audio from the video and find a way to get you some audio clips so you can see if they are what you are looking for.

Is this what you were trying to locate?

If so I'll do some work this weekend and see if I can get a few clips for you.



Thank you, Thank you! That's PERFECT!

The key element in the recordings for this is to gather as many "steady" sets as possible. What I mean by steady is to get a sample of the engine at idle, for example, as steady as possible for a minimum of 10 seconds [or so]. The longer the sample, the smoother the looping can be made and therefore the more realistic it will sound.

Next up would be as long a sample as possible at 1500 RPM [or so]. Again, target length would be around 10 seconds.

And so on, and so on, up through the RPM range as much as you're comfortable. No need to redline the engine, the simulation can bend the sound samples to get those upper RPMs.

Another set of sounds would be any off acceleration sounds. If your engine backfires under off pedal, all the better!

No need to worry about stripping the audio from the video, I can do that. Besides, I'd love to see the video of you Z anyway!

If you don't have a means to send or post the video, just let me know and I can send you a link for you to send it to my office.

Again, many thanks, Mike!

FAIW, a properly running Z shouldn't backfire. To me, the sexiest sounds are of a smoothly running engine coming down to idle, stepping through various stages as it winds down -- first the fuel cut, then the reintroduction of fuel, then the BCDD. Each changes the running tone as the engine winds down. Sadly, my engine doesn't wind down gracefully like that anymore. I'd need a working BCDD.

Also your running sounds will have a LOT to do with the exhaust, and there's no such thing as stock exhaust anymore. Thus I question whether there's any such thing as a classic "Z" sound. It's a very individual thing.

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