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I found a box in the pile-o-stuff with original diamond-pattern vinyl for the resto I'm undertaking, but the carpet I've been given looks pretty bad for a resto car. It would be sub-par for a street car that needs some form of carpet or another, but not ideal for a resto at all.


dying it with Rit won't save it, so I'm on the lookout for a 3rd party set... But after looking at 5 different websites, and from my passed experience with my Z31 300zx carpet purchase- I will say that I am weary of just buying any one of the items I've stumbled across.


Does anyone make a reproduction item that is as close to early 70's as possible? Or is it even possible to get NOS ones? looking for black carpet.

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Seatz Mfg. makes the original loop-style kit for our cars as well as some of the best OE-equivalent seat covers.  I think MSA is one of their retail outlets.  You can check with Seatz to be sure.  I have both kits from them - outstanding quality!


Thanks for the recommendation, Jim.


Is the carpet a cut to fit style, or does it come with the edging/piping around the perimeter like the OE style carpet does? The photos of their product installations don't quite illustrate this point.


The carpet I do have here seeeeeeeeems ok, but its pile is a little flat in some areas. If I were to dye it, it would most likely come out looking like a new used part, but if the Seatz carpet does not have the edging, I guess that's something that has to be installed afterwards?


I wonder if purchasing the OE style carpet pile and then cutting it myself is an option. The ones I have here are not shriveled like some other examples I've dug out of some vehicles. I would just have to buy a bag of espresso for my friend's Nonna and she'll probably sew up the edging for me too. LOL j/k.


Has anyone ever attempted to recreate the carpet using the correct pile carpeting? I think my process would be (if I tried):


- buy large sheet of stiff cardboard.

- spray glue OE carpet to cardboard.

- gently/accurately cut the carpet shape out of the cardboard

- spray glue cardboard cutout to new pile

- gently/accurately cutout the new pile carpet shape

- edge-band the pieces

- put in new snap buttons in proper locations.



the only issue would be trying to find a food pad. This one is far beyond re-use.



I will email Seatz mfg for photos in the meantime.

Edited by Careless

The carpet kit is fully finished and edge bound, no cutting or trimming required - the driver's side has a heel pad.  Firewall snaps are on the two front sections.  All pieces have padding glued to the underside.  Your post mentions pile, remember - the early cars had loop style not cut pile.

Here's another old time company just down the road from me.  They have an e-bay store that's a little cheaper.




If you'll notice part numbers, there's a lot of middle man profit being made.

Edited by siteunseen

The carpet kit is fully finished and edge bound, no cutting or trimming required - the driver's side has a heel pad.  Firewall snaps are on the two front sections.  All pieces have padding glued to the underside.  Your post mentions pile, remember - the early cars had loop style not cut pile.


Indeed, the carpet I have is a loop style- I used the incorrect term. Thanks for pointing that out- just incase anyone is looking for the proper carpet in the future that should save them some grief.


So by your assessment, Jim, I was wondering if you can answer a couple of simple Q's for me:


Is this a drop in replacement with virtually no fussing required?

How is the foot pad quality?

Are there only 5 pieces for the carpet in total? (2 rear pieces with small rectangle cut-outs, 2 floor mats, and cabin carpet).

I don't see a rear/hatch area carpet in my pile of stuff, I guess that's separate?



I emailed Seatz, and they just told me to ask their distributors instead. Not my idea of a company that wants to actually sell their product :-/


siteunseen, checking that site now, I wish these guys would have some photos of their product, I wouldn't have to ask so many questions! I'll email them for some photos. Thank you!

Raff - Yes, its a std 5-piece kit: floorboards, behind seats, rear deck.  It is a drop-in as you suggest, the rear deck piece secures under the U-shaped plastic retainer just like OE.  The heel pad is about 6"X12", ribbed, sewn in - looks very good.  I saw your comment about their email response.  I sent a note this morning requesting retail contacts, will see what kind of response I get.



Follow-up response from Seatz on retail sources: MSA and Z Car Source.

Edited by jfa.series1

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