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As long as we're on the subject of starters- I ordered a replacement from www.rockauto.com (1 866 ROCKAUTO).

They had a choice of 3 starters, Worldwide Parts, Delco, and Bosch. i believe prices were $22, 47, and 54.

So being cheap and assuming a starter is a starter, i ordered the Worldwide unit. When i opened the box, lo and behold, it is remanufactured by AC Delco:cheeky:

When it is really warm here in NY, i'll find out how well it works!

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Is it an auto?? If it is there are 4 wires on the passenger side that go into the transmission that tell the car if the transmission is in one of the APPROVED positions to start. When I converted mine from an auto to manual I had to TELL my car that it is in park so I could start it.


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Just spoke to Nissan parts, they told me they cannot order solenoid by it self, have to order with starter and the price would be 71.00 bucks, any thoughts on whether i should replace the whole unite or just replace the solenoid? I always feel that "while your in there" it would be a good idea to replace anyway?

Thanks again,


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If someone comes over and helps this non-mechanical dude i will bbq rib eye steaks for them!!

Had starter tested, solenoid was shot, new starter and solenoid $91.00 ( a 280z starter because of late model 5 speed tranny). Put it in and NADA, nothing, zilch!

Battery is charged, car wont even turn over, going back to haynes manuel to trouble shoot some more!!!!!!!!uggggghhhhhhhhh, any other suggestions??

hair falling out,


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So you took the old starter with the solenoid to get tested, they told you the solenoid was shot, correct? Then they sell you a new starter with solenoid and it doesn't work?:stupid: That's gotta suck.

Disconnect the the starter just the little wire going to the solenoid. Hook up a voltmeter. Negative to the ground on the starter and positive to that wire. Give it a test (turn the key). If the voltmeter doesn't move then your not getting juice to the starter and it's time to figure out why. Check the connections, fuses, and wiring.

Good luck.

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Ok, i bought a circuit tester and tested the wires that come off of the solenoid, the yellow one that plugs into (by itself) the solenoid has no current. The rest of the wires from solenoid have current.

Where do i go from here?, remember that the solenoid and starter at this point are brand new.

By the way what is the tiny black module called that the wires plug into coming from starter/solenoid?. Could that need replacing?



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