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Far out, you really did a great job explaining yesterday's events. I took many photos, I will post some this afternoon. I really need to get to the grocery store for chicken food. Must go early, the hens will start an uprising if I don't. Besides, RedBird awaits me, after the best repair job ever. I do not want her to wait, plus I am just as anxious as she is!

Many thanks to Steve, Greg, Tony, and Tim for their hands on repairs. Plus many thanks to each of you that have offered information, and sent needed parts. One of the best things I have ever done was to join CZCC. Great friendship offered, as well as the continued assistance with my 280Z. It would never have been done without each of you!

Edited by Redwing
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Oh my goodness. I had a most exhilarating ride with RedBird yesterday! The ungodly time spent from 6/15 until now, vanished in a microsecond. I HAVE MY BABY BACK! Oh she is sooooo sweet! People were looking at me oddly, wondering why I was in the grocery store with a non-removeable $^!# eating grin on my face. My jaws hurt today. But I'm anxious to get to church, and then off to a promised casual drive in the local mountains. RedBird will be as happy as I am!

I have some photos, but I apologize, they are mostly of my kissing my dear Redwing goodbye. I would have posted them yesterday, but the Internet in our area was down. I do hope that Redwing will still have a life, but if not, at least she will give life, like an organ transplant, to other Z's in need. I will miss her and the memories. But off now to start new memories with the Lady RedBird. Onward.....

Again thanking all who had a hands on part in RedBird's recovery, AND to all the rest for being the BEST back up crew with advice and parts. I am so amazed at each of you, all of you are dear to my heart. This would not have happened without YOU.

Rats, time to go, time is short. Will add photos later today. Sorry.

Still grinning,


Edited by Redwing
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You did the right thing. Red bird, the 240, will live on instead of wasting away and your the coolest chick in town, sporting around in a 280Z. Life is good!


You have no idea. RedBird (the 280Z) attracts Sooo much attention in my little town of 3000. The cops all know me too, I'll never be able to open her up safely here. The man at Advanced Auto today, as I was backing out, yelled leave some rubber! I shook my head no, the streets were wet, and I don't do squirly stuff in wet streets. Hahaha

Then when I left the Dollar Store, I had 2 men come up and discuss Z's, as we all have noted earlier. Such fun.

Yes, letting Redwing (the 240Z) go withTim, was a far better thing than for her just to rust away. It was tearing out my heart. But I do have her (original, both) shift knob, and he will send me the steering wheel. So she in that way will still steer me on, to my many miles to go. Yay!

Thanks for the fine compliment...


Tim is planning on taking it back to stock, too.

Oh Steve, Tim didn't say that to me yesterday. I didn't know. I am so happy to hear that, my prayers are answered.

Thank you for all your assistance. You were the first member to offer to come for a hands on looksee to RedBird.

All this success for me, is Laurels on Your Shoulders. The TRUE Southern Gentleman! Thank you from the bottom of my Heart.


Pardon my interruption:

I've been lurking around here for some time trying to learn what I can for my 280z. I just wanted to say that there are some really good people on this forum; it's a real community. The way you help each other is inspiring and I just wanted to say thanks.

So happy for you Ms. Jai ☺


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I agree with you Pmg. There are other sites that bash people for asking simple questions. There are very knowledgeable people on this site. They have helped me as well. I have seen feathers getting ruffled once and while but not too often. Its hard to put into words what you want to say sometimes especially typing it in a forum. You only hope that someone understands what you are trying to say, like now, LOL. Great group of people here!  

Edited by rcb280z
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Just was thinking. The only non-stock part of Redwing is the muffler. So he will have to replace worn out parts,

but nothing to undo. She is stock.


That's what I meant. It's just that different words came out of the keyboard.

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