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you know maybe i am wrong and i probably am. Maybe all i'm saying is just verbal spagetti. After all the info i've read, heard , and saw. (well i don't really trust the media anyway.)

i have come to at least one conclusion:

it is time for the US to step out of the UN.

I know that is a very rough statement to say, but i also feel the UN is not functioning as it should. Or maybe different countries and different people have different ideas about what that function is. Maybe the UN needs to be fixed. I don't know.

Maybe it is just the fuel filter. You know when those things clog up, Your Z (or Zed) won't run right.

I'm gonna go back to a good ol' Z thread.

"If an Iraqi soldier has info that could save US soldiers from dying and he won't tell, you have to do something.

You aren't the one out there holding a machine gun getting shot at. What would you do? Better for the enemy to suffer some than let your own people die. " Well, go ahead and torture them then !

fstr240Z, you belong in Iraq !

metalman5117 - it is a whole lot easier to believe what you hear from government statements and if the UN is not unbiased, is the US less unbiased ? Colin Powell just slapped his partner (Blair) in the face last night saying, ah, well, we (the US) need to hang on after the war and make sure there is a fully supported (by the US)democratic government .

The rest of the world reads this as a puppet government owing it's allegience and continued existence to the US in return for exploitation concessions !

True, the UN has been too weak - so why couldn't we with all our good intentions really put the pressure on short of going to illegal war ?

"We as Americans should have the right of self defense (as should any LEGITIMATE country) whether our not the UN agrees with it or not. "

First of all define LEGITIMATE ? Iraq is exercising it's right too (which I hope folds up) ! And why do the US citizens suddenly feel threatened by Iraq ? No, not Al Quaida, I said Iraq ! If it's because we reckon to have found and bombed a training base in the north, again, check out Saudi Arabia and again Libya - why not invade them all ? Hypocrits !!!

Sean, Well I guess that I opened a can of worms with this one or quite a few of us opened up quite a few cans tonight.LOL

What I meant by "legitimate" was countries that have been accepted into the community of nations (for lack of a better term). Iraq by its actions over the past 12 or 13 years is a "rogue" nation one that in the worlds' eye would be considered illegitimate. By their continued defiance of the UN resolutions they have given up their right to self defense. Please don't kid yourself into believing that the Iraqi people are pro-Saddam, anti-US. They are terrified of Hussein because he has shown that he is a brutal dictator who will do anything to keep his grip on power. When this is all said and done and Hussein has been ousted you will see rejoicing among the Iraqi people. We as Americans don't feel threatened by Iraq but DO feel threatened by Saddam Hussein.

I do not feel as if I am being hypocritical in the least bit. Hussein along with Al-Quadia are the two biggest threats right now. Hussein's hatred of the West and Israel is a well established fact and if the bastard got a nuke I feel that he would use it (so do a lot of others) whether it be in Israel, Europe, or the US. As for Saudi Arabia and Libya that is a whole other set of issues there. The Saudi's Royal family is trying to hold on to power in a region overtaken by radical Islamic fundamentalism. So they are trying to appease the fundamentalists by appearing to be on their side. Is this right Hell No! But I feel the threat posed by Iraq is greater. As for Libya if you recall recently the government has recently denounced terrorism and seems to be reaching out tothe rest of the world to bee accepted. I can't recall any recent evidence that Libya is sponsoring terror or has a hand in the recent wave of terror. Sean if anyone is a hypocrite it is your government(France) for their secret dealings with Iraq. Like I said before this is a real mess and I'll be glad when we can just get back to talking about Z cars. I hope there are no hard feelings:classic:

Yes many countries are against us but as many or more stand with the US/UK in this fight.

Metalman and others,

Just thought I'd bring to your attention that there are soldiers operating in small groups, quite likely behind enemy lines, gathering info and knocking out the occasional enemy nest.

There are also teams of underwater demolition experts clearing mines from the port to enable friendlies to dock safely.

As well as that, there are fighter filots flying sorties against enemy positions.

They are NOT Americans; They are NOT English. My friends, they are AUSTRALIANS.

The statement SHOULD read,-------"stand with the US/Uk/AUST. in this fight"

Regardless of how many other countries verbally support the war, the fact remains that there are just the THREE of us who are fighting it.

Seems that I have to keep bringing this to your attention. Tisk, Tisk, Tisk.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

You do have SOME friends ya know.


:finger: :finger: :finger:

I was prompted to start this thread after hearing a RUMOUR, i repeat, a RUMOUR, that ANZAC Day would be targeted by protestors.

Now, as far as protesting is concerned, I agree wholeheartedly with you Carl.

However, should any desecration be made to a Cenotaph, be it grafiti or just someone on the Cenotaph waving a banner. they will feel the full force of my right boot.

Knowing you Septic Tanks to be highly patriotic, I feel certain that react in much the same way should that occur at the Viet Nam Wall.

I certainly did not expect this to become another Iraqui Post.


I will feel ashamed if protests muck up Anzac day. That sort of thing is just NOT ON. I do not respect those who have no respect for what our countrymen did for us.

The fact that no one seems to care about Australia's involvement in this war is mainly because we are still a small fish compared to America and the UK, however great we like to think we are. Also the Australian military being tight-arsed about details regarding what we're doing over there isn't helping either.

I didn't know what Australian troops were doing until you posted your message Rick. Now at least I know we're serving some purpose...

Biker, what is a feral woman? Sounds interesting. Bambikiller, I think it would depend on the quality of the dancing by the "feral women" whether I would want them to be arrested. Might even throw them a buck or two as I pass by if they're entertaining enough. Then again, maybe I better find out what "feral" means first. Slutty, skanky, what? So sorry for being shallow and sexist.

Originally posted by tanny

Biker, what is a feral woman? Sounds interesting. Bambikiller, I think it would depend on the quality of the dancing by the "feral women" whether I would want them to be arrested. Might even throw them a buck or two as I pass by if they're entertaining enough. Then again, maybe I better find out what "feral" means first. Slutty, skanky, what? So sorry for being shallow and sexist.

I doubt a woman protester (feral or not) would be giving "Lap dances", but that is the only dance that would keep her out of jail if I was King!


"Iraq by its actions over the past 12 or 13 years is a "rogue" nation one that in the worlds' eye would be considered illegitimate. By their continued defiance of the UN resolutions they have given up their right to self defense."

But they haven't been thrown out of the UN so are still covered by its' charter ans seem to be exercising reasonably well their right to self defence ! Much as I wish it wasn't going so well for the Iraqis.

No hard feelings - glad to exchange views respectively.


hope they all come back safely - did they choose to go ? I, for one am happy that women play such a role, my sister wanted to get in the British Army until she discoverd that at the time, they weren't allowed to 'get their hands dirty' and handle weapons !

What you implied severely disturbed me, perhaps I misunderstood. I got the message that you implied 'the ends justifies the means' - effectively anything goes, anywhere and against anyone so long as the original goal is attained !

How far do we go to 'win' this war ?

Americans are free to speak.

They are NOT free to demonstrate illegaly. So why are demonstrators almost always breaking the law in some why, to get the attention they want/need to get the news to cover them. Is this a moral and correct thing to do?

They are NOT free to block my path, stop traffic, etc. AND, it is the free news coverage, with staged antics that is a real pain in the A$%^.

This nation is at war. Congressional approval of the chief executives use of the military to disarm a threating murder.

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