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I have used the emoticons in the past, and sometimes find that I need a cheat sheet to determine what they are supposed to mean. Even then sometimes they don't convey what I felt I would have had it doing. (There is no "SMIRK")

That Mike felt that 2MZ had pulled a funny one on him, and he had bit, I felt was the funny part. That he chose Lowe's as the source of his "authority" to debunk the farce I felt just added more fun to it. So, I tried to pull his leg for real with the CCW Thread with LH Drill Bits.....and it came off in my hand. Then I find out that I accidentally got a few others in the same trap.

Mike: Sorry, I'll try to not pull your leg in the future, no guarantees and no warnings. My sense of humor tends to slip it's leash and run amok. It isn't till it's cornered that I can once again slip it under control.

Bambi: As many posts as you've read of mine, surely by now you would have caught on that I run the gamut from dead serious can't take a joke to, if you believe it then we'll laugh about it later.

Tanny: You're right. I'll be celebrating the 31st Anniversary of my 16th Birthday this June. Then again, I may admit to being an irresponsible teenager, but is it possible that your thinking is.....shall we say..... not exactly chaste?

Victor L: You're right also! However, don't forget that the engines in Australia actually have the firing order reversed from American engines in order to avoid acceleration torque when accelerating while turning. That's how come you can't use an Australian Distributor cap on an American Engine.

Later guys

Enrique Scanlon

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I never took offense to your initial response; didn't take offense to the "taking too serious" post either. I realize that this type of "conversation" (ie. posting on boards), ALMOST NEVER reads the same way that it was typed/intended.

Never took offense to 2ManyZ's. In fact, (as stated before) I'm in the machine tool business, and was certain that left-hand drills existed. At Lowe's, the "expert" was a former machinist, and he took great delight in my question. It was then that I started to wonder if I'd been set up. (started thinking "maybe I was thinking left hand thread/tap") Self-doubt then took over. I thought it was funny that I'd been "set up"; never P.O.'d.

No blood / no foul.

BTW, I'm still f**king around with the damn bolt.

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Originally posted by EScanlon

(major snippage by Carl)

Bambi: As many posts as you've read of mine, surely by now you would have caught on that I run the gamut from dead serious can't take a joke to, if you believe it then we'll laugh about it later.

I didn't take offense either, just got caught with my brain in neutral.

I understand your situation regarding a cheat sheet for the emoticons, as I've printed one up which I keep next to my computer. I felt the need since I've had a leg or two come off in my hand when trying to make a joke on this site.

I use :devious: for a smirk (colon "devious" colon)

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Originally posted by Zedrally

Rob, all you need to do to make them compatible is to turn them 180 degrees.

Yeah but then we would have had to get the starter motor reversed. There was also some doubt about the cam timing being affected as we could not determine if it was symetrical or not.

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I'm busting a gut laughing!!!!ROFL:love:ROFL

See the previous posts are what make this site such a great place.

Yes, you WILL get good information that you could spend hours reserarching on other sites or reading various books.

However, every once in a while someone will inform you how to test the coil in your car by putting your pinkie finger in the wire from coil to center post on the distributor............:devious: ...:dead:

Then all heck will break loose and we'll discuss various other sideline subjects and then get back to the initial point.

Now Mike, if you're still having problems with that bolt, unfortunately, I will admit to being all toes when it comes to engine work, but I'll chime in my 2¢ on how to remove the broken bolt.

If you can get a drill into the area so you could drill the bolt out, then do this. Start with a small bit, 1/8" or so, just enough to get a "pilot hole" started, even if you're starting off center.

As you're drilling, slowly drill in the direction of the center of the bolt and also straighten the drill so that you will slowly but surely drill a straight hole CENTERED in the bolt. Once you've reached the center, stop and switch to a larger bit, don't feel bad if you want to step it up 1/64" at a time. As you step up, make sure you stay in the center and pretty soon you will have gotten pretty darn close to the size of the bolt. Shoot the bolt with some cutting oil if you have it, if not at least penetrating oil.

At this point, or slightly before, switch to the left hand drill bits so that you might be able to work out the remains of the bolt. You will either end up getting the last of the bolt to come out, or you will notice that you will have drilled the bolt to the point where nothing but the threads are left.

Although you could switch to a tap at this point, I like to use a very fine punch and tap out as much of the old bolt BEFORE I start tapping.

Hope this helps;

Enrique Scanlon

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How dare you, Escanlon! I've chaste my thinking all over the place but unfortunately I got lost. The fact that someone took your comments seriously made it sooo much funnier. I had the same problem on a post awhile back when someone completely misinterpreted some subtle humor and became quite angry. That's the problem with the internet, people just can't see the wry smile or the wink. The smilies just don't always convey the subtle meanings very well.

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Originally posted by EScanlon

I have used the emoticons in the past, and sometimes find that I need a cheat sheet to determine what they are supposed to mean. Even then sometimes they don't convey what I felt I would have had it doing. (There is no "SMIRK")

Reminds me of the simpsons when the comic store guy is looking up stuff on the internet on Mr X's (Homer's) website and he says, and I quote:

"Oh No. There is no emoticon to express how I am feeling"


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